Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just another day at the club...

So I get home from a hard day of work and I am at the sl club. I go there to visit a good friend who was working the event (I wont mention the name because I'm sure hes embarrassed enough). This is a strip club right and they had hoes in throw back orthopedic sl pumps from 2007. Broads in moody on bright that was no where close to their skin tone.

I'm thinking to myself who the fuck is here to tip them. Then a lonely off brand avatar in a pimp outfit complete with boots from gore shows up and it dawns on me. Hell look at the clientele this club caters to the sub par.


Then the event gets worst. Mind you half the hoes was in stripper gear and what not. I get this message.

[2010/04/28 16:05] Autoresponse sent to Zex Arkright.
[2010/04/28 16:05] MentalKaos Akina: yes
[2010/04/28 16:06] Zex Arkright: Mama this is a formal event of black and white. you need a formal black and white outfit please
[2010/04/28 16:12] MentalKaos Akina‧: oh i will leave
[2010/04/28 16:12] MentalKaos Akina‧: i came to visit a friend

Nigga you can't be serious in a spot where bitches got on sub par shoes, stripper outfit your mad I showed up looking splendorous in jeans.


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