Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Donations are Key to Maintaining my blog

I'm sick of y'all donating chump change to me.

I am going to give you all my pay pal email

and my Second life name MentalKaos Akina

Donate to help me maintain my blog. How else am I going to continue to trash Internet sluts if I cant afford to pay my mom for use of her Internet connection.

Its all I'm saying

Price of Pussy Gone way down

Prostitution is the oldest profession in this world. I have no problem with a woman making her money on her back. Like my male cousins always say, "Long as you got a pussy, your bills should stay paid."

However the price of pussy has gone to an all time low. When your on Second life selling your snatch for 300 lindens (like 1.50 rl money) you are fucking up the game for the real prostitutes with higher rates.

If you feel your cartoon body is worth so low bitch log off. You are fucking up the whoring economy on the game. I think all the other higher paid sluts need to jump your avatar and have you DMCA banned for not being a professional slut. Your rates are undercutting agreed upon charges and downgrade the product.

I say you tramps start a union and set up preset standards and rate and anyone not following that will have to throw away their excite since they are not using it in a profitable way.

I've come up with some working hoe rates.

Fellatio/Cunnilingus $5000L's Intercourse $10000Ls
Anal Sex $15000Ls Full Package (oral and intercourse and anal)
$25,000 L's (discounts for the big package of course)

Voice chat while doing any of the above $10000L's additional

Cam Chat involved $50000l's Now lets start with those beginning rates

That's all I'm saying. Hoes Unite!!

*I hate Everything About You*

Im Straight (sort of)

Now as all you know I'm always on the ladies online. I spend most of my days talking sexy to all the women in game. Now most of them cry that I'm not gay shit in local chat. However, later on that day your in my box.

Bitch make up your mind either you want to fuck or you don't. Why sit on the Internet being sort of gay. You know deep down inside you wanna lick some pussy and just don't want no one to know. Your a grown ass woman scared of being a grown ass woman. You don't make any Internet sense to me.

Then we got the gay women who suddenly become heterosexual when a guy with lindens come around. Y'all are the worst sort of bottom feeding hoes to me. How is it your the hardest lesbians in your real life but a dude flash 5k (20 rl bucks) in your face and suddenly you throwing out years of pussy eating to succumb to this dude.

You are confused and money hungry. How are you going to sell your pussy for 20 bucks. See this shit don't make no kind of sense.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Seeking Child Support Payments

I'm all for folks living their second life lives right. No problem but if you want to make this as realistic as possible. If you got 5 hud babies shouldn't you be getting 5 sets of child support. How come when this dude leaves you your not dragging him into second life court to demand your payment.

You and this dude decided to have these kids (against good common sense) then he gets to burn out start a whole new life with someone else and doesn't have to pay. I say you haunt his sl every step until he pays you what he owes you, or at least pay for half of the baby hud.

If he has changed his name to move on with his life and you cant find him. Hire you a second life detective to track that bastard down on whichever sim he is now dry humping his latest victim without a condom on. Have him destroy his life and serve him with SL Court documents for those ugly ass non honeydew babies that he helped you get.

Don't let him walk away. Now if this is your 5th pregnancy of twins maybe you need to stop fucking with the tantric hud though. Because if after the 1st 2 (I give you 2) pregnancies dudes don't want to stick around. It may be you! Having a baby on sl wont save that relationship. So knock off fucking up your shape to appeal to him because no one is going to like you when your avatar is all fat and ugly. Specially not me.

Dudes before you fuck a chick on sl without a condom and a prayer make her search her inventory for babies. If she got more than one set RUN don't walk from her. If 4 other guys before you dipped on her and them raggedy babies. Its cause shes crazy. Not just normal I like babies crazy. But help she may get your real life phone number and call your house and tell your wife shes having your child and neglect to mention its in a game (true story).

Keeping it Real on Fake Life

So check it out... this post if for all the folks living in they mamas basement on sl and not afraid to say it.

Look we all cant have a mansion and what not, not that I'm justifying why I keep getting fired from fast food establishment. But I ain't got it. Feel me there wont be no invite to my sim that's gonna be repossessed tomorrow. I'm not giving you big tips cause you on a dance pole with the same 10-15 dances as any other strippers.

I'm just saying I would if I could but I cant. What kills me is all these folks that say its not real yet your getting ready to leave your real life spouse over someones Internet chat time. Look here if your one of these women who get to stay home all day and play in your snatch for your sl man and your real life husband is carrying the bills, should you really be thinking about leaving the honey well for a dude you met who probably doesn't look anything like his Internet character?

Like real talk I know sometimes it looks like the grass is greener but are you serious. At least choose a dude online who has a real life W2 statement. If I see one more chick in love with a dude with no payment information on file and being logged on all night not cooking dinner, taking care of your kids, doing what you need to do so you can post up next to your sl man and cling on his arm like the low self esteem tramp you are. I'm going to find out your real address and tell your husband the name of a good divorce lawyer because you are a huge drain on his resources.

*I hate you Forever*

Ode to a Real Life Pic

Ode to a Real Life Pic by MentalKaos Akina

I used to love her with all my heart
until today she proved she wasn't smart

Excitedly I log on lungs filled with air
I was sl loving her this I swear

Innocently and coy she slide me a texture
I was ready with my HOOOO gesture

But instead of excitement disgust filled my thought
This ugly bitch stiletto moody's I bought

I want my money back now for the distress you cause
You made my Internet connection flicker and pause

My passion died, my heart you did smash
You were so ugly I faked an SL crash


The Unwise Pimp

Now some of you second life men fancy yourselves as pimps because your getting money from fat girls in game. Now I want to advise you that fat girls have been giving money out on the net for along time. This isn't new. Most of the unattractive ugly ladies will try and buy love because they cant get it for free.

We fat girls let me tell you. Hispanic men without citizenship is your best bet. First of all you can lock them down for a good 5 years before the citizenship comes through. It doesn't cost you anything and they don't even speak English.

Don't buy a man on the Internet when you can go to any construction site and pick you up a man for free.

But if you are going to buy love. Please choose a man who wont laugh at you behind your back and then turn around and send your lindens to more attractive women in the game. Don't be a victim to an unwise pimp

*so says mental kaos*

Sharing is Caring

Now 1st of all I'm a woman Lets get that straight.

I want to speak on Sharing is on the Internet world some of you women and a few men have gotten so deep into your secondlife existence you have started to set trip over what you define as "yours".

People cant and wont belong to you, they have free will and most will every chance they get. For you to be sitting behind your computer watching a cartoon character then getting so jealous you start ignoring your real life family disturbs me. For you to shed tears behind a cartoon character using his/her prim on someone else, gives me the impression you don't date in real life.

That in itself is sad. I think online sharing is caring. We should let these sl men live like African kings. If you can AFFORD all these ladies then you can keep em. By afford I mean pay the land tiers, the clothing expense, the shoes expense, upgrade the skin game etc.

See ladies as the very wisest gold digger said (my gramma) if you can afford it baby then you can have the life you want, but if you can afford me then you can have the life of a king.

*I'm out*