Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hoeism 2010

Being a hoe is contagious, a lot of you bitches is catching it.

Let me explain the hoe theory on second life. We have a brand new sense of self women who have taken to throwing their pussy in a mans IM box in an attempt to "win him" or garner his attention.

These hoes can commonly be recognized by the booty floss they wear, the low self esteem shrug that's around their shoulders. They are often times the ones who never seem to have it all quite together.

These hoes tend to travel in packs, or in some cases sororities. They all have tend to fuck the same SL nigga, who at one point they were bitter enemies now they call each other sisters since the nigga put them both to the side. These hoes have wonder twin powered activated and became a brand new hoe power center unit seen at every club in outfits that they transfer back and forth to each other to act like their inventory is packed.

They are the same sort of female that see your name in a niggas partner box and holla anyways. Not because they are bold but because being a sideline hoe is all they every aspire to be.

Well we applaud you hoes for picking up the trash that most of us SL women wouldn't dare touch.

Touche Tramps.

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