Sunday, January 2, 2011

Cocketry ...2011?

Okay well first of all I want to blame myself. As SL's reigning lesbian. I truly am accountable for alot of the ramped homosexuality running around. I sit in awe at going to sl fight after fight to hear grown men. Assaulting each other with gay humor and jokes. I am at my wits end in a game where a battle of the mind is required you always default to gay humor and drama.

I question how most of you heterosexual men know about more gay moves, gay jokes to be able to pop them out at the drop of the hat. I have been an internet chatter a long time and in a game where it depends on a quick mind as it does when doing "drama" online. I can dress you down quick with just my wit, personality and vast amount of humor. I have never had to resort to going to "gay" jokes because to be honest. I am not gay.

I don't really know what 2 men sucking penis is like, or anything about pink timbs or the rainbow brigade other than what I hear on the internet. My life consists of normal heterosexual things. Therefore its beyond my scope of the imagination to even conjure up thoughts of what 2 burly thug niggas do in bed together. I have never heard so many grown ass "straight" men use terms like, "Penis Puppetry" "penis Picaso" "cum guzzler (and they weren't referring to women).

Its all this extraneous vagina running around second life all alone, avatars booty on 100 but your engaging in battle with another grown ass man. Come on man. I wont even tp my sl dude to fights because I be scared for his booty. His avatar hella fine, and the first nigga to invite themselves to his penis. We gon have a problem. That's all I am saying

A lot of these "thugs" do it at the drop of a hat. So for all of you participating in COCKETRY (I had to give you all a new term for 2011) I give you 2 thumbs down, some lube for anal sex, and I hope you make it into heaven.

*I am OUT*


  1. Scientist have done an experiment, and concluded during their experiment 100% of the men who said they disliked gays were aroused during gay porn. Meanwhile, 100% of the men who said they didn't care about gay sexuality were not aroused during gay porn. I guess cocketry is a sign to watch out for.

  2. i been sayin the same thing for years on more than jus sl. to me its the same as when ppl call girls fat in fights.
    thas some funny shit there too javoni.
