Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Im Straight (sort of)

Now as all you know I'm always on the ladies online. I spend most of my days talking sexy to all the women in game. Now most of them cry that I'm not gay shit in local chat. However, later on that day your in my box.

Bitch make up your mind either you want to fuck or you don't. Why sit on the Internet being sort of gay. You know deep down inside you wanna lick some pussy and just don't want no one to know. Your a grown ass woman scared of being a grown ass woman. You don't make any Internet sense to me.

Then we got the gay women who suddenly become heterosexual when a guy with lindens come around. Y'all are the worst sort of bottom feeding hoes to me. How is it your the hardest lesbians in your real life but a dude flash 5k (20 rl bucks) in your face and suddenly you throwing out years of pussy eating to succumb to this dude.

You are confused and money hungry. How are you going to sell your pussy for 20 bucks. See this shit don't make no kind of sense.

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