Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sharing is Caring

Now 1st of all I'm a woman Lets get that straight.

I want to speak on Sharing is Caring...here on the Internet world some of you women and a few men have gotten so deep into your secondlife existence you have started to set trip over what you define as "yours".

People cant and wont belong to you, they have free will and most will every chance they get. For you to be sitting behind your computer watching a cartoon character then getting so jealous you start ignoring your real life family disturbs me. For you to shed tears behind a cartoon character using his/her prim on someone else, gives me the impression you don't date in real life.

That in itself is sad. I think online sharing is caring. We should let these sl men live like African kings. If you can AFFORD all these ladies then you can keep em. By afford I mean pay the land tiers, the clothing expense, the shoes expense, upgrade the skin game etc.

See ladies as the very wisest gold digger said (my gramma) if you can afford it baby then you can have the life you want, but if you can afford me then you can have the life of a king.

*I'm out*

1 comment:

  1. i agree sharin is carin... and i also agree wit ya granny... *holds my hand out* whats good
