Friday, October 23, 2009

Prolific Thoughts

Often times I see alot of women on the Internet period in a desperate search for a man. It is the most confusing predicament I have ever witnessed. The backstabbing, lying, shady dealings really make me worry about us as a collective. Maybe its because I don't share this same quest to be defined by a man that I don't get it.

I often times listen to how men speak on the way we as women act and I can't say I really blame them. If we as women are willing to harm, hurt, speak about one another to gain a mans favor who really loses? This behavior in no way enhances the very charm that would have a man favor you in a good way. It in fact distracts from any real beauty you exude.

Let me break it down, if in fact you have real value in yourself as women then you will have any man you want. When you give yourself true definition, carve out your own set of values, and become a woman who stands on her own feet the "right" sort of man will and always do take notice.

I'm not going to insult women who act like children but lets be honest do you really believe this is the way to gain a good man. Wait before you answer that, what is your definition of a good man?

See any woman with half a brain cell will define a good man as a wonderful person, good spirits, close to GOD, trustworthy and honest. No where in that is someone to pay your bills, cater to your ego and/or kiss your ass. Sometimes we get a good man mixed up with a pet. A real man wont stand for some of the of back handed behavior we as woman are prone to (pettiness, lying, jealous, gold digging). A real man will not let you assume the position of leadership and be led around like a child.

So to all the ladies lets really examine ourselves and be honest about the changes we need to make to become the sort of people we would be proud of offline.


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