Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Look here the signs of the Apocalypse is near. Fill out your SL Last Will and Testimony. As your priest for final rights, because the got some new new shit. This H1N1 virus is that new new. I'm sorry y'all I am not normally one to get shook on a new strain of flu virus.

But have y'all seen people that's sick with that shit. Dawg they on the edge of death right now clinging to life, shit got you throwing up bits of piece of your inner stomach lining, shitting out your trachea. The shit is fucked up, this like pneumonia,mixed with menopause, and bad cramping. All's I'm saying is if your avatar got the H1N1, log off don't be infecting me.

On the cool I think that Bill Gates and Vista made the H1N1. Like peep it, who else could be that diabolical. Have you seen some of the shit VISTA does. I swear to you eventually this computer going to be able to give birth for me. I believe GOD is lashing out at us with this new disease, cause yall pimping on second life.

Sad Sad I tell you.


  1. Sweety, this is djarum tigerpaw and im here to tell you, H1N1 is not new... its the first flu virus to ever been seen on the planet earth... http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0EPF/is_3_105/ai_n15679355/

    not to be rude or mean, but do your research before you talk about something as serious as the H1N1, the vaccine is not going to help us, it might lessen the chances, but trust, it will alter your DNA in ways you could only imagine until soon...

  2. http://www.lifeonfire.org/2009/09/h1n1-swine-flu/

    here's a even better link, that explains that swine flu, bird flu also known as avian flu, ARE ALL THE SAME FLU! H1N1, every one of these bird, dog, pig,cow flu are fucking media hype to make the masses think, its a totally different wave of flu hitting the population, IT'S NOT, its the same flu its always been since 1800's and before, H1N1, so therefore the flu strain has genetically mutated and now humans can catch it once again, the other flu we get is a mild strain... this strain can wipe out a whole planet in months..
