Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I bet you have no clue what that means right? Well it is the process of becoming an SL baller. Check it first, you have to create an alt (cause wont no one fuck with your main cause you slung prim to low strung dumb broads who may still be stalking you). Then you load them up with the best skin, shape, clothes, prim fake diamonds(not even the good BANDITS but some off brand shit cause you don't really know where to get the good stuff at). Then you lead them to a club full of low self esteem fat bitches with too wide hips and fat cankles that cant ever fit in boots.

You romance this cookies and cream eating for breakfast every day hoe into financing your career online, ie gets you a sim, buys you all the things you wants, hits western union to prove HER love. Then whatever money she gives you you pass to your MAIN. Where you buy a sim in your name and put up the biggest house. Then you brag to everyone how you got it, how you balling, we ain't got shit. But on the low your finances is on tremulous grounds based on your ability to keep a fat bitch happy.

So every night you have to break out your excite and slide into one of her rolls like the cheap whore you are under your alt to make it happen on your main name.

That my friends is BALLERFICATION. *holla*

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