So .. WJAY does a radio show on ... DRAMA...and my little blog with its 2000 or so viewers daily, is coming up alot. So I heard Jayce say he does not in anyway want any drama yet in still you have invited me to your show numerous times, knowing what my blog is about. You also and I quote " [2009/08/02 11:19] Jayce Slade: well as i said i heard about it ,.. and big ups to you and yo Blog whenever you ready for the show lemme know other than that I'm good i really don't entertain drama". Here's the good word..if you don't entertain drama why invite and go through various times to ask me to be a part of the show.
When you stepped to me you said and I quote
"[2009/01/06 18:02] Jayce Slade: well keep doin you ma ,.. you cool peeps to me ,.. hope to get you on the show soon to air it out
[2009/01/06 18:02] Jayce Slade: tt you soon Mz Akina
[2009/01/06 18:03] MentalKaos Akina: man lol id get yall in trouble
[2009/01/06 18:03] MentalKaos Akina: i called out this whole mes with sov and wolv
[2009/01/06 18:03] MentalKaos Akina: folks got mad
[2009/01/06 18:03] MentalKaos Akina: im like the dude hangs with shims
[2009/01/06 18:03] MentalKaos Akina: i cant party with him
[2009/01/06 18:03] MentalKaos Akina: im good
[2009/01/06 18:03] Jayce Slade: nah because imma make it a show that is dedicated to that so the listneers will understand
[2009/01/06 18:03] Jayce Slade: all i need you to do is speak indirectly
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: but you know folks will know
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: you feel me
[2009/01/06 18:04] MentalKaos Akina: if eel u
[2009/01/06 18:04] MentalKaos Akina: like wendy wililams of sl
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: my girl
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: see
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: you with me
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: we gonna talk ok
[2009/01/06 18:04] Jayce Slade: hit me when you have some free time"
At the end of the day I can shout out any radio station doing something, no disrespect I listen to everything. I want to support all the people in game holding it down. But for you to sit there and say what we do is negligent but you were asking me to be a part of it. How does that make you look?
My feelings is that this is a chat program the things I do are for my entertainment, if others laugh fine, if they cry, log off. But to sit there and censor grown ass adults about their life is unnecessary. I find it funny that as long as the show isn't about you or your friends its entertaining. But when it involves them its malicious. When Kemijah Renegade sat on my show or in my conferences laughing at the fight I don't see them saying on this isn't funny in fact they get their jokes and LOL's in. This show isn't about being famous. You all put a label on it and I claim it cause to me. Your reactions is what makes the show. At the end of the day, its about money and listeners. Like You said Jayce on your show, you had the highest listeners ever by mentioning my blogs :) Thanks...2231 viewers of it yesterday. See we are helping each other out...
*big Ups to Bootleg Radio*
Monday, December 21, 2009
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I want to say, I absolutely love this blog, I try and view it regularly. I am a listener of WJAY. I was listening yesterday during the broadcast, but I never once heard Jayce mention this blog. I did however hear several callers call in and reference this blog, so I don't think that is the same as Jayce actually referring to your blog. Fans of your blog called in and mentioned it; almost like free publicity. But I say, hey, whatever works to get ya name out there..:-).
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing that someone who has been anything but real in SL has the nerve to make a show called Real Talk.. Why do I say this ? Well, before Mr Slade birthed his station he was anything but REAL. Isn't this the person who came into SL & opened a club, became a DJ and was suppost to be all about business but in reality was decieving not the people of SL but his own RL wife. Isn't This is the same person whos wife logged on SL and returned everything on the land ~ not only to him but to all the vendors who had spots in this club. Isn't this the same person whos wife logged on HIS account and contacted the females on his list to inform them of her & his kids existance because females were calling him in RL..?
[2008/02/21 6:31] PROTECTED: how ya online but it say ya off line?
[2008/02/21 6:31] PROTECTED: smdh
[2008/02/21 6:32] Jayce Slade: hi (PROTECTED)...this is not Jayce....this is his wife...I think he's gotten phone calls from you in rl also....he wont be back....
[2008/02/21 6:33] PROTECTED: oh wow...
[2008/02/21 6:34] PROTECTED: trust and believe i didn't callout of was purely business
[2008/02/21 6:34] Jayce Slade: sorry ..didn't mean to be rude...I'm sure you didn't know about me like most didn't know about me or the four kids he has
[2008/02/21 6:34] PROTECTED: no...i knew about you
[2008/02/21 6:34] PROTECTED: 4 kids?
[2008/02/21 6:34] Jayce Slade: yep three with me and one with another
[2008/02/21 6:35]PROTECTED: do you mind gettin on voice with me real quick? [2008/02/21 6:35] Jayce Slade: I don't know how to do much here but answer these mails [2008/02/21 6:36] PROTECTED: i'll call and you just you see where it says talk at the bottom of the screen?
[2008/02/21 6:37] Jayce Slade: I do but I don't know how to put the headset on or anything [2008/02/21 6:37] PROTECTED: it's a headset or just a microphone? if it's a headset just slip it over ya head and push the talk button when i call...
[2008/02/21 6:38] Jayce Slade: can we talk here or is this a bad thing
[2008/02/21 6:38] PROTECTED: it's not bad...
[2008/02/21 6:38] PROTECTED: i'm just lazy...most of the time
[2008/02/21 6:38] PROTECTED: lol
[2008/02/21 6:38] Jayce Slade: oh sec let me see if I can figure this out [2008/02/21 6:38] PROTECTED: ok
[2008/02/21 6:40] Jayce Slade: what do I do now its plugged in
[2008/02/21 6:41] PROTECTED: i'm gonna call you...
[2008/02/21 6:41] Jayce Slade: ok
[2008/02/21 6:41] PROTECTED: accept it and then push the talk button at the bottom whenever ya speak
[2008/02/21 6:41] Calling... [2008/02/21 6:41] Connected, click End Call to hang up [2008/02/21 6:42] PROTECTED: van ya hear me?
[2008/02/21 6:42] PROTECTED: can*
[2008/02/21 6:42] Jayce Slade: no I cant
[2008/02/21 6:42] Jayce Slade: I just heard something
[2008/02/21 6:42] PROTECTED: lol...ya might hear me typin
[2008/02/21 6:43] Jayce Slade: try to talk to me now
[2008/02/21 6:43] Jayce Slade: I can how do I talk back
[2008/02/21 6:43] Jayce Slade: yes
[2008/02/21 7:19] Call ended