Wednesday, June 30, 2010

PinkXcstasy Tylman VS willsteves Dinzel

Pink vs Will
Pooch Deezul Conference
118 pm


[10:15] PinkXcstasy Tylman: and even still...i dont care if i wanted to fuck my "husband" in his ass, ear, or eye...its really a shame that would be a hot topic

[10:16] PinkXcstasy Tylman: he even told my ex the same...saying i was a slut and a liar.... drama is a way of life on here...which is why i left
[10:17] PinkXcstasy Tylman: Will you are a liar...and i got the convos from here and yahoo
[10:18] PinkXcstasy Tylman: if this is ur way to get back at me
[10:18] PinkXcstasy Tylman: dont get exposed in the process
[10:18] willsteves Dinzel: ok

[10:18] PinkXcstasy Tylman: u sure that wasnt you Will at that forest orgy place? Asking for dudes to join us?

[10:19] willsteves Dinzel: that was you wantin that and no dudes touched me you were gettin fucked in the ass by a newbi

[10:19] PinkXcstasy Tylman: Will ....let me open my archives

[10:21] PinkXcstasy Tylman: I felt sorry for you for so long because of ur RL disability...but if this is how u do bc i didnt want to stay here then so be sick of being nice

[10:23] PinkXcstasy Tylman: he is perfectly capable of handling himself...only his vision is failing....but being 30 and pulling a stunt like this

[10:25] PinkXcstasy Tylman: I'll leave it be Will for Pooch...say what u want about me...but u know what if making me out to be some sex crazed freak makes u feel better....then do it..even though i can count the number of times we primmed on one hand

[10:25] PinkXcstasy Tylman: im out~ Nice talking to u again Pooch...sorry for the drama

[10:26] PinkXcstasy Tylman: i dont mind anal on myself...but for him to create a convo of me doing him
[10:26] PinkXcstasy Tylman: for personal gain and fame
[10:26] PinkXcstasy Tylman: is too much

[10:26] willsteves Dinzel: lmao

[10:26] willsteves Dinzel: look when the nc was created

[10:27] PinkXcstasy Tylman: Will i got 3 convos u created and admitted too right here

[10:27] PinkXcstasy Tylman: u know that

[10:28] PinkXcstasy Tylman: he even created me having a sexual affair with some random person saying i cheated on him

[10:28] PinkXcstasy Tylman: i mean come on....give it up...this is too much

[10:28] willsteves Dinzel: but you did cheat

[10:28] PinkXcstasy Tylman: yea i did surprised it didnt happen more than once
[10:28] willsteves Dinzel: you admittedly fucked tru
[10:28] PinkXcstasy Tylman: but i admitted to that

[10:29] PinkXcstasy Tylman: the convo u created with me and that random white man

[10:29] PinkXcstasy Tylman: u admitted was fake

[10:29] Gudia Inshan: when you were trying to text sex me you said you were single ! (3RD PARTY BEING DRAGGED IN OOO THIS GETTING GOOD)

[10:29] willsteves Dinzel: i was gudia

[10:30] Gudia Inshan: See this is why I am to myself ! and I am soo glad

[10:30] PinkXcstasy Tylman: will has only been single for around 1.5 weeks...ive had everybody and their mama say they slept with him during our marriage...i dont even care anymore <----------- OH DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNN U GONNA TAKE THAT?

[10:30] PinkXcstasy Tylman: i g2g to class

[10:31] PinkXcstasy Tylman: will ur a slut and a liar

[10:31] PinkXcstasy Tylman: and u rig ur pic contests for personal gain and wealth and i hope u get banned

[10:32] Gudia Inshan: A real man massages those folds :-)

[10:32] PinkXcstasy Tylman: peace

[10:32] willsteves Dinzel: iam done none can say anything besides iam a slut and a lier

[10:33] Gudia Inshan: Pink you can't care about what people say to you hell folks lied on Jesus !

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