Saturday, June 26, 2010

This what happens when SL couples Break up

Oshyn VS SAVAGE (fight June 26,2010 1700 hrs)

Savage : "Bitch wasn't you digging your pussy out on cam for me."

Oshyn : "Don't you beat your dick to me"

Savage : "I cut your cam off, that's how much I liked it"

Savage :"You suck dick just for the hell of sucking dick. You don't even get paid. Your mom pay your phone bill. You live with 2 crackhead."

Oshyn : "You wanted me to come to Alabama."

Savage : "If I wanted you in Alabama you would have been there. You make minimum wage in second life and real life."

Oshyn : "I had you sucking this pussy."

Savage : "On the camera." (how u suck pussy on the camera?)

Savage : "Everyone knows I been avoiding you, logging off to avoid you. Lets get on the point of you wanting to come to Alabama to get on this dick. Your 29 year old and your desperate don't no one want you and you wishing a nigga would come get at you."

****Then Phone Calls Were Made****

Both parties was on the phone talking to other people.

Savage : " You left your real life nigga to be with me." (how do you leave a real life person for a cartoon character you never met?)

Savage : "You was crying a river over a second life nigga. We talking about bitches that sucks dick for free."

Oshyn : "Lets talk about the fact that you all don't have food at your house."

Savage is 19, and oshyn 29...WOW @ pimping from an early age

Then MisUnderstood Footpad said "Oshyn we talking about when you called savage phone 50 times in 30 mins. You getting niggas banned because they moved on. There is no coming back from this."

Then MisUnderstood said you a "crying ass bitch, shame on girl shame on you, you should be ashamed that no one wants to be with you in real life because of the shit you do. You crying over a 19 year old.He not even legal."

Savage : "You was going to send a 700 dollar ticket to suck my dick."

Savage : "If you had it like that in real life, You would be over this second life shit and say fuck the internet."

Oshyn : "I am leaving to go deliver this food."

Savage : "You ain't got no job. Its not my fault your brother had to help you get your car because your credit is fucked up. Bitch you couldn't come to Alabama you don't produce in real life. You ain't got no college degree and barely got a high school diploma."

Then Oshyn said she was going to snitch on savage newest avatar.

Savage : "Go kill yourself, Jump off a bridge."

*fight over*

Back story, Oshyn got Savage banned....this how it goes down.

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