Friday, August 20, 2010

Mistey Short Vs Alexandria Royce

Alexandria Royce who looks like this.. was accused of passing out diva landmarks

Mistey to Alexandria :" You fucked with 33 your a razor back, you trout mouth bitch.

Alex to Mistey : "Where is your first life pic. You mad cause I ran up on you."

Mistey to Alex: "You mad I ran up on project. Bitch get you some real life dick."

Alex to Mistey : "Bitch needed my attention, fucking slut bucket. Bitched worried about Alex. Fuck you worried about Alex for. First thing in the morning I got to deal with a slut bucket.

****Mistey Crashed***Mistey Came back****

Mistey to Alex : "You nasty ass fat ass bitch. DId she run,I am going to make you run. Your a trout mouth razor back bitch. If your mad over a internet dick your sad. I get real life dick. Go get 33 bitch. You good for fucking niggas like that. That's all you good for fucking nasty ass pedophile niggas. Everyone knows your a nasty bitch."

ALex to Mistey : "You was in my box trying to be my friend."

Mistey to ALex : "Your mad over pixel dick. You fat bitch shut the fuck up."

Alex to Mistey : "Ain't shit fat on me but my mutherfucking pussy."

Mistey to Alex : "Its fat because you getting all this pixel dick from 33 bitch. I got you mad. I got you pissed off. Your feena break your computer monitor. Your mad I was over there fucking with project. Your going to come around and avi push me. What was that supposed to do bitch. Get you some real life dick and get that frustration out."

Alex to Mistey : "I did push you, You damn right I pushed you. Aight hoe, I am glad I can entertain your ass.. Your mad bitch."

Mistey to Alex : "You fucked 33 dumb ass, don't you know hes a child molester. You were passing out diva's landmark for him. Say you wasn't passing out diva landmarks for him.

Alex to Mistey : "You want access to my avi pussy.You want access I will put my pussy on and add you to the access list. Bitch can't even hold an argument without crashing. I told her if she wanted it I would sit on her face."

Mistey Crashed and came back

She said she had proof Alex was sending out diva's landmark. She sent landmarks up to 2 months ago made in divas. Proof was shown...

But she just said she ain't do it right? Embarrassed, Alexandria Royce Logged off SL.

How is this bitch rocking a crew cut in her picture. But on sl she got yaki 2b down her back. I mean in real life she doesn't have enough hair to even catch for a weave. Real talk. You got internet mad because a cartoon was near the cartoon you like. Bitch you got low self esteem and your edges ain't shaped up. I cant believe you didn't visit a hairdresser to get your entire hair dyed. You had a at home kit you broke hoe and it was not properly applied. Get it to together. Bitches that rock diva's are not thoroughbreds.

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