Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Princess Gabilondo Blast KushSmok3r Zane

Princess who looks like THIS

....puts Kush on blast.. read below

KUSHSM0k3er Zane

1. a snitch.. how is it possible that u claim to head up a group called stop-snitching, when you are the top snitch in sl. check ur discoverys people.. he told on you.. BELIEVE THAT..
2. a thief... again.. here we have yet another copybotter. nothing he wears is authentic.. how u tryna get someone pregnant with a copybotted dick?? it shoots blanks idiot.. hahah.. hahaha... he will copybot u.. ur bed.. ur dick..(cuz he a closet gay mofo) ur house.. ur dog.. or whatever else u paid for and he wants.. lol
3. a liar... this dude has about 100 dayum alts, and has a free account. sl needs to charge his dumb ass for taking up space and wasting the servers...
4. broke.. he cannot survive on sl without having a female to leech off of.. simply becuz he is broke.. he lives at home with his old ass parents and does landscaping with his daddy as his occupation.. pwahahah.. his main chore is walk that rabid ass dog daily.. but only once, since he cant put those 15 sandwiches down long enough to be productive.
5. retarded.. um.. its 2010 and this dude is just getting a phone with a camera on it.. ' baby.. i got a camera phone now.. u up on them' um dummy.. i live in jersey and um.. i had a phone with a camera since 2001.. they also have video too dumb ass. this guy is standing in the flea market trying to jew down the asian dude for an amp for that raggedy ass 1976 caprice with aluminum rims, talking about he bought it brand new.. um.. you werent even alive in 1976 idiot..
6. liar.. again.. how u claim u have verizon, when u complaining about minutes... back away from the cricket & the boost... PLEASE! tear drops on his face drawn in with nanas mascara before church on sunday.. ur not a gangsta..
7. um... tell me how u take a 3x white tee and stretch it out to a 12 x and its sweeping yo kneecaps.. this aint sleepy hollow.. how u claim to be tough, when whenever u get in a argument, ur punk ass gotta tp in yo ratched ass daughter & her non talking ass to win yo battles for you? and actually... she didnt win.. but most people dont want to hear an uneducated moron who is 15 and a waste of flesh redlining on mic & nothing is understood?? pwahaha.. id leave too.. eww!
8. a backstabber.. this dude cant even spell loyalty let alone know what it means.. he is a fraud.. and will talk about u the 1st chance he gets and still be in ur fact asking for shit.. he talks about everyoneee.. his kids.. his fam.. his friends.. how can u trust a guy like this.. its impossible.
9. nasty.. he fukkin his sl daughter.. hahaha.. while she fukkin everybody else.. hahaha.. heyy.. pixels are pixels i guess..

move out.. get a real job.. maybe a car payment.. and stop tryna hustle drugs.. hahaha.. how u on the basketball court when u got titties... hahaha.. ur name isnt escalade... this negro losing product that he stashed around his fat ass nut sack...

yeah.. i primmed his lame ass.. and i was the only one involved.. cant voice prim when u cant even breathe as a normal function.. and he dont have asthma... he just obese... and thank goodness he cut those young ass cornrows off.. ... they WERE NOT growing... pwahahahaha..

i said all that to say... KUSHSM0K3er Zane.. you are a waste of flesh... and a bitch ass nigga.. another thing.... ur surrounded by a bunch of lames just like u.. all except for about 7 that are loyal to ME... dummy! now go copybot something... pwahahahahahaha..

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