Sunday, September 20, 2009

Everyone wants to Fight The Queen

So today I get tped to bootylicious for a "fight" which involved a chick posting old pics of me when I was fat and asking how I could be a model? Check it posting pics of me that's available for the Internet world to find on google search doesn't faze me.

But Lets discuss the fact that you admitted in the same club that you told a guy on the Internet that offered to buy you like a tramp, lets discuss that you admitted to him that your dad fingered you. *ouch* So the same guy (jay1601) comes on line and tells everyone this information and your mad that people are like wow. Lets discuss the fact that you also admitted, real life once again, that your baby father aren't doing their parts in providing for your kids. Lets discuss that you admitted that you have told more than 1 person this story. At what point in the game are you so comfortable you would admit to strangers that a man that is suppose to protect you violated your trust and sense of stability. If your upset this information is out then might you not tell the story to multiple people that you don't know on the internet.

See this is the part that I love on the net, you can say I can't be a model, you can post my pictures, you can have fat jokes. But I was never molested, if I had kids I would take the time to take care of them rather than choose to log into secondlife for my Internet man, bypassing putting food on the table for my kids. I wouldn't curse in front of my kids nor introduce Internet men to them, because that's just gawd awful weird.

So yes Meilhealani I'm a fat ugly lesbian, but what I'm not is a sucker for Internet love.

No matter what you say the end of my day doesn't include kids with different last name, cartoon characters falling in love with me, or the inability to feel safe inside my own body.

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