Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This is Why your not HOT!!!

Look here, second life is a place to have fun. But what the hell is going on when you have avatars running around like this?

Dude for real, your wearing boy booty shorts. I want the designer to give you your money back and take your inventory items back from you. I know that's a girls outfit you got on. Is that a cut off tank top, with booty shorts, and knee pads (insert joke here). How dare you represent gay men in this way. This is so so not right. I want to slap pants and common sense on you.

and then while shopping I saw THIS!!!

Home girl I cant believe you thought this was a sexy look. Did you really think that rocking pants that was sagging off that little behind was cute. Those pants ain't got enough to hold on to that's why they falling down. You look a hot mess, I am embarrassed to know we shop at the same stores. I am immediately turning in my Luck Inc clothing because you need help. I prescribe 5 double whoppers, do not hold the cheese, 3 big McDonald's milk shake, and extra fries.

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