Sunday, January 17, 2010

Why are you worried hoe?

To piggy back on my earlier post, I got a question to some of yall hoes so called friends who ready to defend you to fight another bitch over your dick.

No I ain't the suspicious type right. But I ain't never ever got ready to beat no other chick ass over my friends man. I ain't that involved in that nigga to have no misdemeanor charges filed against me over someone else's dick. What you chicks should ask your self is why is this hoe so concerned over your dick.

I would put all the lindens I panhandled in the last year, that that bitch is concerned because she wants to fuck your dude. What she's doing is playing the good friend pointing out how hes cheating.But if you log in at 3 am I bet you will find her in your niggas im box laughing it up under the guise as friends.

See I am a true believer in most of these hoes have ulterior motives why they are so busy in your box pointing out all your mans fault. I'm going to quote a bird hymnal "How's a bitch with no man going to tell you what to do with your man" Ask yourself that when this lonely hoe who been on sl for 792 with no man to call her own and all the lindens int he world. Ask yourself why this winner is single and worried about what the fuck you do, who your man is with, what sim he tp in and out of. Why does she know all this shit about YOUR man ask yourself that question before you roll up on the right bitch and get told the business.

*2* hoe

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