Monday, July 27, 2009

Copybotting is getting out of hand

So today I'm out and about shopping, minding my own business. I saw this girl in this cute cute outfit. So I sent her an im like I love the outfit where did you get it from. She responding by typing she doesn't speak English so good. No problem, I'm a chatter I clicked her prims. Lo and behold all her items were created by a person with no information in their profile. Hmmm well I whip out my babbler and being the upstanding Second life Citizen I am, I try to explain to her in Portuguese, that the items she purchased were probably stolen. Well, she whips out what I think to be a zooby baby. I click on the zooby baby and that also appears to be copy botted because the owner was not the zooby baby creator but the same person who made her outfit.

Really people have we hit an all time low when your copybotting babies? You cant be serious right now. I can not even begin to understand the need for all you people to copy bot folks items. You really cant afford some UBU Drunks so you copy bot 595L shoes. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?! I hope that the owner of UBU Drunks visits his local Bootylicious and just takes a gander at all the copy bot version of his shoes there are. Then I want the owner of SOReal to do the same. I paid for my items fair and square and you low budget second life criminals really make it seem like black people can't afford shit. This is why Timberland didn't want rappers hyping his shoes. You all with your criminal intents (not all black people just the NIGGAS) can't even keep it legal on a chat site. You disgust me.

Then to make matters worst with this copybotted zooby baby, I'm like okay that's not a real zooby baby. She told me she didn't speaka di English at first right, she says in open chat BITCH QUIT CLICKING MY PRIMS and throws on her blocking inspect (she probably copybotted that too since I couldn't see the creators name on that either). So not only was she a thief she was a liar. Sad sad day on second life.

I tell people everyday do not support copybotters. Stop buying this crap. You know better. I'm tired of you all passing me the same copybotted Beyonce skin from Redgrave with a hair base. You people disgust me.

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