Thursday, July 16, 2009

Profile Clocking

You know second life is a game we all play. But every now and then people let aspects of their real life seep through. Now if your the kind of girl that has order of protection against you for stalking a dude (slashing his tires, busting the windows out of his ford fiesta because he left you) then you understand profile clocking.

I can't see myself logging on a game everyday just to see if people switched partners or if they have updated their picks list. WHO DOES THIS? What sort of low life loser is sitting on a game all day worried about other people who don't really like you.

What are you SL Paparazzi, your trying to keep up on the latest gossip. Look here TMZ of sl, you cant afford a bootleg one time camera (consider this draw distance over 200) or a good digital camera (consider this draw distance for the whole sim) to really get anyone doing anything good.

So instead you stalk folks profile notice the changes in their partner box whisper to your friends etc.

So to all you gossip girls and guys take the time to find you some business (cause mines aint available). Take the time to find a friend maybe another stalker like you. Do activities on a sim like hide under prims and try to find each other. Go play in SL traffic, do something.

If you have to stalk someones profile that might be a clear indicator that they are just not that INTO YOU.


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