Friday, July 17, 2009

Hoe Checking Pt 2

As if hoe checking Pt1 wasn't enough, I'm on SL to have a good time. What you do with your prims is no ones business certainly not mines. But if it comes out and we all laugh why are you mad.

Case in point I'm doing a spree at a well known store (see 4Eva Gutta), and a certain young lady puts it out she dumped her dude online and that if she wanted him back she could. So when I see the dude I was like, "Son get ya balls out her bra, cause she put you out like your a pussy." A conference later opens up and I'm the bad one.

Look here anything you say in an open chat will come back to haunt you. If you really a nigga online you would have handled this hoe appropriately. Because if she would embarrass you like that ask yourself what else she would say behind your back. Real Talk Son.

I'm going to need niggas not to be so "into sl pussy" that they lose their dick cards by accidents. Its about 10 women to every 1 man and you letting pussy put you out like this. If it would have been me, I would have called it like it is. Like real talk shortie I let you hold my balls in your bra because you hold my dick so well in your throat.

You can be mad at me because I clowned the situation but your not mad at the situation.

Then I got folks mad because they got caught getting getting some of the worst dick in life (rl) by a nigga with a short dick. Look here Kelin Clip, your dick is small in real life. Kill that name forever. Don't log on it no more we have seen what you have to offer and good things contrary to popular beliefs, do not come in packages that small unless its a diamond. What killed me about the video is that the broad was screaming like she was getting killed (CherylC Balzco) with a dick that small that nigga ain't killing you he probably was drawing blood from the pin pricks.

The best line of the video as Kelin said "Toot that Pussy up for me", because my dick is too small and it keeps sliding out. I'm going to need you to get this together. Then I'm an observant woman so of course I noticed the lack of condoms and his utter boredom in fucking her. He's not even breaking a sweat (that's another way you know hes not putting in work). He don't even seem interested. CherylC you paid 2k for a fuck that bad. I want you to request a FULL REFUND.



  1. " THis is absolute Madness......" -LeX

  2. and give a refund for everyone having to watch that sorry excuse for a home vid.
