Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Different Types of Chatters

On the Internet you have a variety of chatters lets break it down.

Its Only the Internet Chatters: Chatters who are always on the its only the Internet this shit don't mean nothing to me. If that's the case why are you pissy when someone steal your sl man, jock your sl style, rock ya sl prim objects hair, etc. If this shit don't mean anything to you why would you spend so much time giving a fuck.

SL is SL and RL is RL Chatters: Then why are you trying to import a dude from second life to meet you in real life to marry you. If your such a dime in real life then how come you have to beg borrow and steal to get folks to be your Internet friend or man. I need you to stop getting pissy when we call you out on your lack of good common sense. If SL is SL why do you have people from the Internet number in your cell phone to call them to cry about shit on second life. Wouldn't you just dust ya cyber shoulder off and log off and curl up to some real life shit.

Im making money on SL Chatters: These are the I'm a baller chatters. Everyday they log on to tell you how much money they pull from ugly chatters or from the prim clothes they make. They brag all day about how much they have, how big their second life house is. How they cash out every day (see gesture...I cash out 2...3...4 times a day) yet in still they live at their mamas house. If you had it like that BALLA wouldn't you have a place to stay in real life with all this lindens you making in game?

Married but lonely Chatters: These are the ones with husbands, wives, gf's, bf's in real life yet they on the Internet all day. Look here If I had in house dick/pussy, I would not be logged online all day. At what point do you log off to fuck your man/woman. Take care of your kids, do laundry, you can't be in that happy of a relationship if you wont ever log off to handle your real life. Just saying.

Jock Ya Fresh Chatters: These are the followers. They never have an original idea on second life. They always want to know where you got something. They are what I call the keeping up with the Jones's chatters. Soon as you get something they are running out to snatch it up. The I make money chatters depend on them to buy their sub par ass items. And they do. They just always want to be a star but at best they are second string. They are the Junior Varsity chatters begging to get on the Varsity team

I'm in love with the Prim Chatters: These are the men/women who jock their sl significant others. They stress out about map rights. They are the one's where they cant ever be seen by themselves. They define themselves by the folks they are with on second life. When they get dumped they will quickly get a new avatar and seek out another relationship because they are too lonely to be by themselves. These folks actually become stalkers in real life. They will lure you into a false sense of security to get your home phone number to call you and harass you in real life. These are also the chatters who own every piece of xcite so they can have second life sex. They will record it and take pictures because they want to prove they got the prim. That's what we call the true losers of the Internet.

The I own everything in second life Chatters: This is the no matter what you have they got it already chatters. Even if its new and you made it. They don't care what it is as soon as they see you with it, they say "I been have that." How is that possible when I made it and I know you didn't get a copy. You lie just to lie. Why can't you just admit that you don't own everything you loser.

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