Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Truth Shall set you free

Sometimes I get this very undeserved wrap of being a drama queen. And I say undeserved because often times you mistake drama queen and truth whisperer (that ain't even a real title but it sounds good). Check it I'm going to spit some truth right here right now.

1. If your man has bought me massive packs of stiletto moody's and then pretended he didn't know me. I'm not going to give up his name. My transaction history recorded that. Never bite the hand that feeds you.

2. I have not had prim sex with your man in the game. Truth be told he didn't even get to hold my prim hands to hand over that money (read comments above).

3. You mistake gold digger and hustler to be one in the same. See a gold digger will fuck for money, I'm going to convince him that giving it to me is the best option ever.

4. If you think 20 bucks uploaded is balling we got issues. See now your salty that I called you out on a donation then ask yourself why your spending your cell phone monthly plan money on a girl who called you out.

5. Why is it just because I blast one nigga (for all who missed the wedding post) I gotta be a hater. First of all I spoke to you and aired you out. That doesn't mean I'm not a good person it means I'm an honest person. I don't talk about folks behind their backs when its so much more entertaining to do it in their face.

6. My real life pictures are all over the Internet. Everyone KNOWS ME. Your the great unknown so keep pretending your avatar looks "just like you rl" when we all know your 5'04 345 lbs (give or take a few lbs depending on what you ate tonight. But on second life you are 6'1 and 125 with the perfect model shape. *right then*

7. I admit I live in my mamas house. Now why can't you admit you live in your grandmothers basement. Don't you think we hear the echo ricocheting off the cement walls as your chatting.

8. I wish blue hippo didn't give away free computers, its due to this why we got to be in the spot listening to folks mad over people wearing extra prims and they aren't rezzing right. Nigga its not second life. Its your sorry ass video cards. See the specs for what you need to be on second life and realize your computer is as sub par as your avatar.

9. The reason why some of you don't know you look bad is because on your blue hippo (see post above) you look good. But if 20 people a day is asking whats wrong with your skin might I suggest an upgrade.

10. How come every outfit you got is like from the corner store on second life (ie Death Row Mall).

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