Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Security for your boo?!?!?

I logged on today still dying laughing at yesterdays post...(check the update on will's neva having more citings than Tupac) when I was hit with this.

How bad is your prim vagina when the dude you love and watch his vest covered back from your seat, only to have him stolen by *gasps* a second life baby.

Now things got to be bad when you lose your man to child avatars. Is he going out to pick up a kid shape to fall in love because you are too old for him. How low is your second life self esteem going to be shot when you see them riding on their 2 way tricycle being all happy and in love.

I am soooooooooooooooooooooo mad at this. *DOA*


  1. Well well well... LMAO @ THAT..

    ANTYWAYS ill put my 2 cents in NOW..

    Weither your a Grown woman.. Child.. teenager.. whatever the case is.. be GLAD that nicca Is in hiding.. FORTUNATE for ALL YALL... Keokee is his RL woman.. So I tell you ALL what.. why dont you leave that fat sorry ass nigga where he at....

    ON HER COUCH.. Trev B

  2. thats TREVOR BARKLEY not trevon :D
