My fashion blog deals always with high fashion every now and then I feel the need to speak about stealing someones work.
I am appalled that "modeling" agencies are now asking people for the details on their shape (numbers).They then say that its within their rights to ask for someone to give up their shape numbers. I'm appalled at this new way to steal someones body shape.
So for all shape designers beware that alot of people are inadvertently being used to copy your shape. The models buy your shape then are forced to give up the numbers to agencies, the agency then use those numbers to make a full perm shape to pass out or sell to new models.
When I spoke to the modeling agency owner of MWC, she assures me that shes within her rights to do this. What I find amazing is one person can buy a shape then they can duplicate the work over and over again and pass it on to their new models therefore by passing the original shape maker and taking money out their pockets.
I guess that's the "new way" to copybot now. I want everyone selling shapes to MWC models to beware you will see your shape on alot of women, and no money in your pocket.
I spoke to Madison Blanc an owner of TOP MODEL INC, a well established modeling agency if she would ever ask models for their custom shape numbers. She said no why would she need their numbers. I find it appalling that Jennifer Warden of MWC see's nothing wrong in her pracices.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Last Night at the Club
See this is why you don't stay on sl till the wee hours of the morning because this type of shit happens.
So we were at the club(leave,Jdon, Rita, Sarah, Tae)...when Jay1601 comes in. He gets asked about the fact that he put out his ex-girlfriend's personal life. When asked about it he was questioned if he had Mr Nigg and Meilahani banned. He said nah it wasn't me it was Meyon Voom (witnesses will verify he bought her name into it) that got Mr Nigg banned. If that ain't a bitch ass move to blame someone else. Then Meilahani comes in under her alt and bust out the dude. Like son you did it, it wasn't Meyon. While they were together evidently Jay1601 used to pay people to get folks banned. *WOWSERS* Meilahani goes on to note that Jay1601 had Lady Mosely banned and she doesn't even know it was him.
Then ya boy Barry Bruin after getting straight handled by me on his gay lifestyle. I ask him hey have you ever accidentally sucked a dick...There was a pause. He said what? Now what straight man you know that's not gonna jump on that and scream foul QUICK.
Barry and I quote "Yea I'm Gay." <--------- said at bootylicious pt2 at 0313 am August 8,2009.
Then moments later he says, "Don't gay means happy." How are you going to agree that your something before verifying the meaning. Sir knock the dick out your ears, mouth, and hand and figure out what you are doing with your life.
So we were at the club(leave,Jdon, Rita, Sarah, Tae)...when Jay1601 comes in. He gets asked about the fact that he put out his ex-girlfriend's personal life. When asked about it he was questioned if he had Mr Nigg and Meilahani banned. He said nah it wasn't me it was Meyon Voom (witnesses will verify he bought her name into it) that got Mr Nigg banned. If that ain't a bitch ass move to blame someone else. Then Meilahani comes in under her alt and bust out the dude. Like son you did it, it wasn't Meyon. While they were together evidently Jay1601 used to pay people to get folks banned. *WOWSERS* Meilahani goes on to note that Jay1601 had Lady Mosely banned and she doesn't even know it was him.
Then ya boy Barry Bruin after getting straight handled by me on his gay lifestyle. I ask him hey have you ever accidentally sucked a dick...There was a pause. He said what? Now what straight man you know that's not gonna jump on that and scream foul QUICK.
Barry and I quote "Yea I'm Gay." <--------- said at bootylicious pt2 at 0313 am August 8,2009.
Then moments later he says, "Don't gay means happy." How are you going to agree that your something before verifying the meaning. Sir knock the dick out your ears, mouth, and hand and figure out what you are doing with your life.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Slidin ... I miss you man
Recently Slidin Dreadlow has been banned due to "someone" reporting him for age verification.
He was not banned for copybotting. In fact on his sim he found a person using cryolife and he told everyone about this person.
Evidently a KingofDeadPrez Mixemup, was on Slidin sim with the cryo life viewer. Mr Dreadlow has the detector on his land he was given the message regarding the person and confronted him. He then got the person to admit that he was a botter.
Be aware that Mr Dreadlow was attempting to alert everyone on this copybotter "KingofDeadPrez Mixemup" please ban him from your land.
Whats funny is after he approaches this person his account is suspended for age verification. Due to him confronting this person they had nothing else to attempt to report on him so they go to age verification. I heard a certain sub standard shoe designer who has been reporting shopping spree store designers as well as any friends I have of age verification. I find this sort of funny.
Ya boy slidin sent in his official ID. He will be back. The HOTTEST REGGAE DJ ON SL WILL BE BACK.
So we wont be deterred by bad product designers.
He was not banned for copybotting. In fact on his sim he found a person using cryolife and he told everyone about this person.
Evidently a KingofDeadPrez Mixemup, was on Slidin sim with the cryo life viewer. Mr Dreadlow has the detector on his land he was given the message regarding the person and confronted him. He then got the person to admit that he was a botter.
Be aware that Mr Dreadlow was attempting to alert everyone on this copybotter "KingofDeadPrez Mixemup" please ban him from your land.
Whats funny is after he approaches this person his account is suspended for age verification. Due to him confronting this person they had nothing else to attempt to report on him so they go to age verification. I heard a certain sub standard shoe designer who has been reporting shopping spree store designers as well as any friends I have of age verification. I find this sort of funny.
Ya boy slidin sent in his official ID. He will be back. The HOTTEST REGGAE DJ ON SL WILL BE BACK.
So we wont be deterred by bad product designers.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
As per your cease and desist notice that you recently sent me. I am making a formal apology to Mr Beres.
Mr Beres as to your request that I retract my statements and remove such disparaging remarks off my blog. I will grant your request.
I retract my remarks about you being a pedophile, its disgusting that people from other chatlines 20-30 would say that you were in a chat room with a 14 year old child. The fact that I let such a rumor slip past my fingers is a shame on me. Who knows what you have done on yahoo and my dapz. It does not have bearings on second life.
I retract my comments about you not handling yourself as a business person as well. Who am I to comment on the fact that you copied and pasted an entire conversation between you and Dancer Dallagio in regards to your shoe product, into a note card and sent it out for all to see. Which is clearly a TOS violation noted on the second life web page. By which I happen to have the note card with you being the author. I have passed it along to second life. I just want to be honest you know.
I apologize that as a customer, I do not have the right to my opinions on your shoe brand. I would like to say any remarks made upon the quality of the items you present, such as the texture work or toes that do not quite fit in the shoes are my opinion which clearly I vocalize. It is in my humblest regards that I say I will never mention Divas and Fine Shoes together in the same sentence ever again. It is my humble opinion that they do not go together. I apologize for any undue hardship you suffered because of my fabulous fashion blog that I rate items on the Internet for all to enjoy and I did not rate your items amongst those.
I will in the future never speak of, or mention your shoes again. I will continue to promote such quality designers such as Stiletto Moody, JJ's, CopyKat, NCore, Maitreya, and Kalnins. It is beyond me that with such quality designer you feel you are above being compared to them for your quality work when in fact most of these shoes are industry standards in looks, quality etc.
I do apologize for using your shoes to compare against such fine quality items.
From this day forward I will ignore your shoe brand and I will hope that not mentioning it at all will give you the sort of business you deserve.
In all I will also pass around my web page address to every shoe designer and fashion designer so they can see how reasonable I was. How much I value SL fashion not to ever compare your workmanship amongst designer who have careful crafted their product with the highest level of care. I will also issue this same apology over the radio for all to hear. I have also passed along the SL Exchange page to every show designer in second life, as a show of goodwill. Enjoy!!!
Mr Beres as to your request that I retract my statements and remove such disparaging remarks off my blog. I will grant your request.
I retract my remarks about you being a pedophile, its disgusting that people from other chatlines 20-30 would say that you were in a chat room with a 14 year old child. The fact that I let such a rumor slip past my fingers is a shame on me. Who knows what you have done on yahoo and my dapz. It does not have bearings on second life.
I retract my comments about you not handling yourself as a business person as well. Who am I to comment on the fact that you copied and pasted an entire conversation between you and Dancer Dallagio in regards to your shoe product, into a note card and sent it out for all to see. Which is clearly a TOS violation noted on the second life web page. By which I happen to have the note card with you being the author. I have passed it along to second life. I just want to be honest you know.
I apologize that as a customer, I do not have the right to my opinions on your shoe brand. I would like to say any remarks made upon the quality of the items you present, such as the texture work or toes that do not quite fit in the shoes are my opinion which clearly I vocalize. It is in my humblest regards that I say I will never mention Divas and Fine Shoes together in the same sentence ever again. It is my humble opinion that they do not go together. I apologize for any undue hardship you suffered because of my fabulous fashion blog that I rate items on the Internet for all to enjoy and I did not rate your items amongst those.
I will in the future never speak of, or mention your shoes again. I will continue to promote such quality designers such as Stiletto Moody, JJ's, CopyKat, NCore, Maitreya, and Kalnins. It is beyond me that with such quality designer you feel you are above being compared to them for your quality work when in fact most of these shoes are industry standards in looks, quality etc.
I do apologize for using your shoes to compare against such fine quality items.
From this day forward I will ignore your shoe brand and I will hope that not mentioning it at all will give you the sort of business you deserve.
In all I will also pass around my web page address to every shoe designer and fashion designer so they can see how reasonable I was. How much I value SL fashion not to ever compare your workmanship amongst designer who have careful crafted their product with the highest level of care. I will also issue this same apology over the radio for all to hear. I have also passed along the SL Exchange page to every show designer in second life, as a show of goodwill. Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I was recently sent a notice via an sl attorney for Mr Beres saying my comments on my page were being the expert that I am at NOTHING...
I looked this up
Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are closely related to, yet distinct from, the concept of freedom of thought.[citation needed] In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech".
The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression".[1][2] Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law.
Basically I was sent a note card and it said I do not have my rights to my opinion of products purchased in second life. It further went to say if I did not retract my statement as a consumer I would have my avatar removed from second life.
I find it funny *HILARIOUS* my blog is a place for opinion and I can any opinions I would like to have if you would to keep this going I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO TRY. So I will continue to post and I will welcome the attorney actions as you are internet bullying people for having an opinion. THAT IS ALL.
Continue on ...
I looked this up
Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes used to indicate not only freedom of verbal speech but any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are closely related to, yet distinct from, the concept of freedom of thought.[citation needed] In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country and the right is commonly subject to limitations, such as on "hate speech".
The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognized in international human rights law in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression".[1][2] Furthermore freedom of speech is recognized in European, inter-American and African regional human rights law.
Basically I was sent a note card and it said I do not have my rights to my opinion of products purchased in second life. It further went to say if I did not retract my statement as a consumer I would have my avatar removed from second life.
I find it funny *HILARIOUS* my blog is a place for opinion and I can any opinions I would like to have if you would to keep this going I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO TRY. So I will continue to post and I will welcome the attorney actions as you are internet bullying people for having an opinion. THAT IS ALL.
Continue on ...
36-2-78? Really
I'm so so so sick of these random fat ass shapes you chicks is running around in.
I had to speak out about this. I'm at the club minding my own business with this hippo hipped chick bounces my teenage avatar out the way with her ludicrous dimensions of a body. Look its fine if that's how you want your avatar to look. But quit complaining when the designer skirt only stretch so far to fit your big wide ass.
I'm amazed that you have the audacity to complain about clothing texturing not being what it should when you have stretch the textures to fit your humongous ass that you know damn well if you had it in real life it would be accompanied by an equally large gut.
For real? That's how we rolling now. Come on man this is your second life. You can keep it 100 here or not. But just quit complaining when folks laugh at your avatar that's so huge you make the heels on your stilettos lean to the side. Real Talk.
I got nothing against a phat ass, TRUST ME ON THIS! I'm your biggest advocate as long as you keep it curvy not ridiculous. You cant mean to tell me when you were in appearance you meant to put everything,ass length, butt size, and saddle on 100. You don't look hot you just look like all your prim clothes won't fit.
Incidentally most of these same chicks cant never find shoes that fit around their fat ass ankles even with a resize script...( mad at you chicks with leg muscles at 90 and above) I HATE YOU!!
I had to speak out about this. I'm at the club minding my own business with this hippo hipped chick bounces my teenage avatar out the way with her ludicrous dimensions of a body. Look its fine if that's how you want your avatar to look. But quit complaining when the designer skirt only stretch so far to fit your big wide ass.
I'm amazed that you have the audacity to complain about clothing texturing not being what it should when you have stretch the textures to fit your humongous ass that you know damn well if you had it in real life it would be accompanied by an equally large gut.
For real? That's how we rolling now. Come on man this is your second life. You can keep it 100 here or not. But just quit complaining when folks laugh at your avatar that's so huge you make the heels on your stilettos lean to the side. Real Talk.
I got nothing against a phat ass, TRUST ME ON THIS! I'm your biggest advocate as long as you keep it curvy not ridiculous. You cant mean to tell me when you were in appearance you meant to put everything,ass length, butt size, and saddle on 100. You don't look hot you just look like all your prim clothes won't fit.
Incidentally most of these same chicks cant never find shoes that fit around their fat ass ankles even with a resize script...( mad at you chicks with leg muscles at 90 and above) I HATE YOU!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Look here man...for real...
This chick is butt naked at the hair store with a tuft of hair between your legs, and then your Internet friend are telling you this is hot.

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT HOT...The cold part about it is she is collared, but wait theres more...check out the dude that has her in the little girl skin with no breasts and a collar bigger than her neck, with a shirt on with smurfs and baby hair on her snatch...

*WOW* all I can say is WOW
This chick is butt naked at the hair store with a tuft of hair between your legs, and then your Internet friend are telling you this is hot.

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT HOT...The cold part about it is she is collared, but wait theres more...check out the dude that has her in the little girl skin with no breasts and a collar bigger than her neck, with a shirt on with smurfs and baby hair on her snatch...

*WOW* all I can say is WOW
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mental Gets Dumped
Anti Greene: Mental u fired <-- wow at me getting dumped in the middle of a spree...
How embarassing was this
How embarassing was this
Response from Killa Carami Ref my post
Killa Carami send me an instant message to respond to my rumor has it post in reference to her and Jaquinn. Since the response was a note card sent to me I will break it down.
Ms Carami is to have said, "For starters if u gonna spread fucking rumors how bout spread the right rumor for 1 mysterious was a alt made for my cousin who was only played in game twice and was neva collared it was Killa who was collared . i dont know wth Dreaming is ... and lastly i left of my own free will and wasnt over a dress or anything to do with my family ... so when u go spreading shyt how bout spread the truth .. really like u have nothingelse better to do than to spread lies about me... whom you have neva met nor prolly eva seen.. get real who is childish now .... i dont even know you yet my name and my business is on this blog lmfao ... Please if u gonna tell a story how about tell the right 1 otherwise keep my name and my family out ya mouth..."
Ms Carami I sincerely feel you. I too would be very upset if someone blogged about my family members in a disparaging way. Without outing my sources I want to tell you that Rubee was in a conference and she too cleared the air that she was not collared. However she did have sex with your man. That has to hurt to have your family member slice you in such an effective manner.
To further reply to this note card you sent me. If you made the Mysterious name then in fact it would be YOUR name. Everyone has identified you with the person who was under that name. I would also like to remind you sharing passwords on second life is a TOS violation (in case you try to report me hoe I'm building my reverse defense).
You are correct I have never met or seen you. You wear divas shoes, shivers, only the lowest forms of chatter would even put those on their feet. Maybe if you had nice toes like the ones in NCORE or Moody's, or JJ's he wouldn't have slept with your sister who seems very nice (I would have chosen Rubee too, she can spell and she seemed so down to earth, Clearly the better choice).
Ms Carami I believe you left of your own free will. However, I get the feeling you still miss Jaq and probably still pine over him in folks ims. Possibly alluding to him contacting you and saying he missed you etc. I believe that the dress was just the catalysts to this whole thing. Just FYI in his conference interview with PrettyTay, he said he was going to redo those pictures, they weren't up to par. Not saying that they needed you out of them or nothing but I'm thinking that would be an upgrade.
Last but not least Ms Carami, this is a gossip blog. I will gossip about anything I want. You don't move me talking about keep my family name out your mouth. If you kept your business in house. If you stopped inviting women to your bed this probably wouldn't happen. While I'm sure your probably a lovely person you made an awesomely simple mistake and its rather sad that good common sense didn't forewarn you that this would occur.
Later Stupid face
Ms Carami is to have said, "For starters if u gonna spread fucking rumors how bout spread the right rumor for 1 mysterious was a alt made for my cousin who was only played in game twice and was neva collared it was Killa who was collared . i dont know wth Dreaming is ... and lastly i left of my own free will and wasnt over a dress or anything to do with my family ... so when u go spreading shyt how bout spread the truth .. really like u have nothingelse better to do than to spread lies about me... whom you have neva met nor prolly eva seen.. get real who is childish now .... i dont even know you yet my name and my business is on this blog lmfao ... Please if u gonna tell a story how about tell the right 1 otherwise keep my name and my family out ya mouth..."
Ms Carami I sincerely feel you. I too would be very upset if someone blogged about my family members in a disparaging way. Without outing my sources I want to tell you that Rubee was in a conference and she too cleared the air that she was not collared. However she did have sex with your man. That has to hurt to have your family member slice you in such an effective manner.
To further reply to this note card you sent me. If you made the Mysterious name then in fact it would be YOUR name. Everyone has identified you with the person who was under that name. I would also like to remind you sharing passwords on second life is a TOS violation (in case you try to report me hoe I'm building my reverse defense).
You are correct I have never met or seen you. You wear divas shoes, shivers, only the lowest forms of chatter would even put those on their feet. Maybe if you had nice toes like the ones in NCORE or Moody's, or JJ's he wouldn't have slept with your sister who seems very nice (I would have chosen Rubee too, she can spell and she seemed so down to earth, Clearly the better choice).
Ms Carami I believe you left of your own free will. However, I get the feeling you still miss Jaq and probably still pine over him in folks ims. Possibly alluding to him contacting you and saying he missed you etc. I believe that the dress was just the catalysts to this whole thing. Just FYI in his conference interview with PrettyTay, he said he was going to redo those pictures, they weren't up to par. Not saying that they needed you out of them or nothing but I'm thinking that would be an upgrade.
Last but not least Ms Carami, this is a gossip blog. I will gossip about anything I want. You don't move me talking about keep my family name out your mouth. If you kept your business in house. If you stopped inviting women to your bed this probably wouldn't happen. While I'm sure your probably a lovely person you made an awesomely simple mistake and its rather sad that good common sense didn't forewarn you that this would occur.
Later Stupid face
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Rumor has it....
A certain chatter has one too many alts running around sl acting a fool over collaring.
Here is the business to even get this gossip I had to figure out all this persons multiple chat personalities on line *AKA* names Mysterious Serenity aka Dreaming Core aka Killa Carami. *Wheew* so keep up.
Evidently (lets just choose one random name) Mysterious was collared under her alt Killa Carami by a man she fell in Internet love with aka my dude Jaquin laville. After being in love with him for sometime he decided to collar 2 other women at her request. The choice of women were her request and happened to be her sisters. So then later on in this fine game we call SL, Mysterious becomes upset with all her Internet friends because 2 of her sisters were collared by her dude (Jaquin laville) and he fucked one of them. (who didn't see that twist coming?)
Okay I got some basic questions for Mysterious 1)Did you think people were going to be collared and not blaze? 2) Your upset that you didn't get to ride the dick? 1ST 3) All this is over a blue and red dress?
That's the clutch to this story. This whole family tree love fell apart because Killa AKA Mystery was given a pink dress, not the blue or red during a photo session. Evidently that was the straw that broke the camels back (and pink is such a fucking hot color too). She stomped her shoes and threw off her prims to the ground in the middle of the studio and was angry over clothing options. Let me break it down so your not mad about the fact that your guy collared 2 of your SISTERS at YOUR requests and then he fucked one of them but all this falling apart in this family was all started over a prim dress in her raggedy ass bunion foot shoes (better know as knock offs to moody's)(I heard she actually BUYS those).
Mysterious never mind the basics of this movement. You don't invite other women into your bed then get mad they rotate that prim on the man better than you. Whose fault is it that that man got thrown that ill xcite nana and his head got twisted away from your Killa coochie. But for you to get upset over prim clothes, that was the final straw to you. What are you 2 years old and now your sissy stole your Popsicle and you want it back. You shouldn't have invited her to a 1/3 of it dummy.
Its no MYSTERY why he choose the 2 normal sisters over you maam.
Here is the business to even get this gossip I had to figure out all this persons multiple chat personalities on line *AKA* names Mysterious Serenity aka Dreaming Core aka Killa Carami. *Wheew* so keep up.
Evidently (lets just choose one random name) Mysterious was collared under her alt Killa Carami by a man she fell in Internet love with aka my dude Jaquin laville. After being in love with him for sometime he decided to collar 2 other women at her request. The choice of women were her request and happened to be her sisters. So then later on in this fine game we call SL, Mysterious becomes upset with all her Internet friends because 2 of her sisters were collared by her dude (Jaquin laville) and he fucked one of them. (who didn't see that twist coming?)
Okay I got some basic questions for Mysterious 1)Did you think people were going to be collared and not blaze? 2) Your upset that you didn't get to ride the dick? 1ST 3) All this is over a blue and red dress?
That's the clutch to this story. This whole family tree love fell apart because Killa AKA Mystery was given a pink dress, not the blue or red during a photo session. Evidently that was the straw that broke the camels back (and pink is such a fucking hot color too). She stomped her shoes and threw off her prims to the ground in the middle of the studio and was angry over clothing options. Let me break it down so your not mad about the fact that your guy collared 2 of your SISTERS at YOUR requests and then he fucked one of them but all this falling apart in this family was all started over a prim dress in her raggedy ass bunion foot shoes (better know as knock offs to moody's)(I heard she actually BUYS those).
Mysterious never mind the basics of this movement. You don't invite other women into your bed then get mad they rotate that prim on the man better than you. Whose fault is it that that man got thrown that ill xcite nana and his head got twisted away from your Killa coochie. But for you to get upset over prim clothes, that was the final straw to you. What are you 2 years old and now your sissy stole your Popsicle and you want it back. You shouldn't have invited her to a 1/3 of it dummy.
Its no MYSTERY why he choose the 2 normal sisters over you maam.
Delusions of Grandeur
Delusions of Grandeur...
So I want to make everyone aware not all my post will be in reference to drama specifically but to things I've witnessed online. A lot of times it comes across as drama when in actuality it’s my rant as I try to understand why it is we do the things we do.
So after 16 years of research (and I'm only 30) I have figured it out. I like to call the lack of good common sense people exude online is delusion of grandeur that is created when our real life is lacking in love, acceptance, job possibilities, potential. We can log on to the Internet and create an alternate reality. Now, don't get me wrong this is like an ultimate fantasy playground. However, now and then this "fantasy" you created takes on a life of its own and can sometime become your reality.
That's when we enter into the delusion of grandeur pitfall. See on the Internet you can curse someone out without repercussions, you can fly without a plane, you can buy mansions you would never be able to own in real life. You can have this fantasy that would never be a possibility to you in no other forum. Some of us me included can sometime get so drunk with this new found fantasy we forget.
Reality becomes a figment of our imagination. That when we find these people that has become so paranoid they are scared of their own shadows online.
See this delusion of grandeur extends to men who feel empowered by fucking so many women in a cartoon character and then brag on it. They screen capture the event because they know the reality is a good looking woman wouldn't perform fellatio on them on the first date in real life. They use this cartoon to build themselves up to be the man they should have been. They have a mansion all the hottest cars yet they reside in their mamas, grandmas, auntie, or sister's couch in real life. However on here they put on a sexy voice, get the right skin, push a red grave pair of jeans and women are beside themselves to have them. This is a bigger boost to their dicks than Extenze. Why wouldn't these men treat women like dirt sleeping with them and several of their family members when you allow for such behavior?
Then you have the women, whose husband no longer find them sexy, who no longer is a considered a woman she’s someone’s MOTHER. These are the ones who are the strippers online, the escorts, and the hoes. See in real life they never had this opportunity to explore true whoredom. So now on second life they are the people they meant to be in real life. They are the ones with the least clothes on as possible. What’s funny is the designers in game cater to these peoples ego. The less fabric on an outfit texture the higher the price. They stroke your oversize ego and you fall for it. But they aren't the only ones the men do it too. Knowing in real life they wouldn't drag a tramp in the door to meet anyone they call kin. How seriously can a man take you if you act, dress, and pretend to be a tramp on the Internet? Woe is me. You have let your deluded state of thinking this is sexy now infect your mind to the point where it is all downhill. What’s sad is that the hoeing won’t stop online; eventually you become tempted take it to the phones. Start phone sexing men while your husband or man isn't around. This fantasy has now leaked into your real life. You will eventually leave your spouse in real life to fuck a man you met on a cartoon character, and you don't think this is delusions of grandeur.
For Shame For Shame..
So I want to make everyone aware not all my post will be in reference to drama specifically but to things I've witnessed online. A lot of times it comes across as drama when in actuality it’s my rant as I try to understand why it is we do the things we do.
So after 16 years of research (and I'm only 30) I have figured it out. I like to call the lack of good common sense people exude online is delusion of grandeur that is created when our real life is lacking in love, acceptance, job possibilities, potential. We can log on to the Internet and create an alternate reality. Now, don't get me wrong this is like an ultimate fantasy playground. However, now and then this "fantasy" you created takes on a life of its own and can sometime become your reality.
That's when we enter into the delusion of grandeur pitfall. See on the Internet you can curse someone out without repercussions, you can fly without a plane, you can buy mansions you would never be able to own in real life. You can have this fantasy that would never be a possibility to you in no other forum. Some of us me included can sometime get so drunk with this new found fantasy we forget.
Reality becomes a figment of our imagination. That when we find these people that has become so paranoid they are scared of their own shadows online.
See this delusion of grandeur extends to men who feel empowered by fucking so many women in a cartoon character and then brag on it. They screen capture the event because they know the reality is a good looking woman wouldn't perform fellatio on them on the first date in real life. They use this cartoon to build themselves up to be the man they should have been. They have a mansion all the hottest cars yet they reside in their mamas, grandmas, auntie, or sister's couch in real life. However on here they put on a sexy voice, get the right skin, push a red grave pair of jeans and women are beside themselves to have them. This is a bigger boost to their dicks than Extenze. Why wouldn't these men treat women like dirt sleeping with them and several of their family members when you allow for such behavior?
Then you have the women, whose husband no longer find them sexy, who no longer is a considered a woman she’s someone’s MOTHER. These are the ones who are the strippers online, the escorts, and the hoes. See in real life they never had this opportunity to explore true whoredom. So now on second life they are the people they meant to be in real life. They are the ones with the least clothes on as possible. What’s funny is the designers in game cater to these peoples ego. The less fabric on an outfit texture the higher the price. They stroke your oversize ego and you fall for it. But they aren't the only ones the men do it too. Knowing in real life they wouldn't drag a tramp in the door to meet anyone they call kin. How seriously can a man take you if you act, dress, and pretend to be a tramp on the Internet? Woe is me. You have let your deluded state of thinking this is sexy now infect your mind to the point where it is all downhill. What’s sad is that the hoeing won’t stop online; eventually you become tempted take it to the phones. Start phone sexing men while your husband or man isn't around. This fantasy has now leaked into your real life. You will eventually leave your spouse in real life to fuck a man you met on a cartoon character, and you don't think this is delusions of grandeur.
For Shame For Shame..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Big Daddy Fr33k Gets Slapped
So I was innocently shopping for poses when a conference opened with Reese pasting a conversation Fr33k had with her mom. Evidently Fr33k had extended an invitation to Promise to be apart of his shopping mall (like who wants to put their clothes at a sub par environment). He then proceeds to say and I quote "HOLLA WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER NOT TELLIN YOU HOW TO RUN YO BIZNIZ" implying that Reese was running Promise's business.
Reese proceeds to molly whop fr33k throughout her conference saying and I quote "GROWN ASS MAN RUNNIN AROUND STEAL SHIT AND CRY OUT OTHER PPL STEAL WHAT HE NED IS A TISSUE AND SOME FAT FREE WATER THIRSTY ASS...UGHH IM DONE" direct at fr33k.
So let me break it down she said my mother has better sense than to put her wonderfully done items carefully crafted in Photo shop on your dusty ass sim full of ugly shoes. That would bring down the stock of her items.
The after Fr33k dusts off his avatar he says to MK ... Come see him... I reminded him that I'm in my adult avatar right now. And he doesn't like grown up women.
Reese proceeds to molly whop fr33k throughout her conference saying and I quote "GROWN ASS MAN RUNNIN AROUND STEAL SHIT AND CRY OUT OTHER PPL STEAL WHAT HE NED IS A TISSUE AND SOME FAT FREE WATER THIRSTY ASS...UGHH IM DONE" direct at fr33k.
So let me break it down she said my mother has better sense than to put her wonderfully done items carefully crafted in Photo shop on your dusty ass sim full of ugly shoes. That would bring down the stock of her items.
The after Fr33k dusts off his avatar he says to MK ... Come see him... I reminded him that I'm in my adult avatar right now. And he doesn't like grown up women.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday Sinners
It's sunday and its the Lords day for most of you. Well in true spirit of the Lord, can we have some shame in how we do things. I want to address 2 chatters who just seem to have gotten what the Lord says just wrong.
Charltina Christennsen (I aint forgot you), you claim to be a minister in real life and your all in a tizzy that I made references to you sucking the skin off of Infinite holy dick. Yet not even a week ago they spoted you at Las Vegas Club throwing lindens in strippers thongs. I know the lord says rejoice and be merry, let there be song and dance, but I don't think he meant it at a strip club. I hope you went to church and repented for your wayward behavior.
PopDis Cherry, its sunday and you was at church there to raise your hand to the Lord and let your voice carry to him. And you have the audacity not to alt up. This is an embarassment that we got to worship with the sort of person still in last nights club oufit, smelling like cigarettes and stale beer when we are trying to worship GOD. How do you not alt up to go to church. This is a travesty.
I want you to rethink your name online because I know you thought it was cute. But now it looks like a bad idea when you want to go to church...just a thought.
Charltina Christennsen (I aint forgot you), you claim to be a minister in real life and your all in a tizzy that I made references to you sucking the skin off of Infinite holy dick. Yet not even a week ago they spoted you at Las Vegas Club throwing lindens in strippers thongs. I know the lord says rejoice and be merry, let there be song and dance, but I don't think he meant it at a strip club. I hope you went to church and repented for your wayward behavior.
PopDis Cherry, its sunday and you was at church there to raise your hand to the Lord and let your voice carry to him. And you have the audacity not to alt up. This is an embarassment that we got to worship with the sort of person still in last nights club oufit, smelling like cigarettes and stale beer when we are trying to worship GOD. How do you not alt up to go to church. This is a travesty.
I want you to rethink your name online because I know you thought it was cute. But now it looks like a bad idea when you want to go to church...just a thought.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Chat Conference gone wrong
So I'm innocently chatting with my family just spending my sl days giggle and laughing when out of no where a conference from Rome Sideways opens. He's asking for pose balls.
This would have been all fine and good if you didn't have your new second life boo and your ex-boo and her new girl all in the same conference. But wait this gets even better. So his ex-boo is like you broke ass man why don't you put your rush card information online and upload lindens to get full perm balls rather than beg for it. Then Rome gets upset and gets loud with his ex boo, obviously showcasing for his new boo. Then his ex boo new girl windmills him and says and I quote "Cleopatra Jonas: Yo wife is a trick nikka".
Say word? Now the funny part is Rome so busy doing him, he doesn't even address the comment. Say WORD? So then his Jawn (new girl) gonna go off on everyone just windmilling tiddies flying hair a mess. Only to look a fool, because had your man defended you to begin with you might have had a leg to stand on.
This would have been all fine and good if you didn't have your new second life boo and your ex-boo and her new girl all in the same conference. But wait this gets even better. So his ex-boo is like you broke ass man why don't you put your rush card information online and upload lindens to get full perm balls rather than beg for it. Then Rome gets upset and gets loud with his ex boo, obviously showcasing for his new boo. Then his ex boo new girl windmills him and says and I quote "Cleopatra Jonas: Yo wife is a trick nikka".
Say word? Now the funny part is Rome so busy doing him, he doesn't even address the comment. Say WORD? So then his Jawn (new girl) gonna go off on everyone just windmilling tiddies flying hair a mess. Only to look a fool, because had your man defended you to begin with you might have had a leg to stand on.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Stalker Alert
So as always I question a females sanity on the Internet. Look I'm all for the scorn woman bit but you have to actually be scorned. If a man has a partner in his partner box and you hit on him anyways that makes you a simple broad.
Secret Spiesel, You are sending offline messages to people's partner in hopes of them breaking up and rescue you from you second life single status. What's sad about you sending off lines to "blast" people is your blasted. You say you have been watching people do their offline girl wrong for so long. Bitch you been stalking sl men's avi's taking a list of all the folks they talk to. You are a stalker you need to question the obvious insanity going on in that pea brain you call a head.
If you jump into a man's im who has a partner in his box and they don't remove them to put you in and you continue the pursuit, you weren't trying to get info to blast him. You were one of these desperate low quality homewreckers who don't know how to rub a mans ego the right way and take him.
How did a man typing to you equal a broken heart. You THINK that sending offlines to his partner was not the most adult WOMANLY thing to do. Come on tramp, Get it together.
Then the killer part is this and I quote "Hooraaayy for me!!!! Karma is a bitch remember that always you black asshole....Sincerly the person that hates you the most :)" for him to have hated you he would have to love you first and that damn sure wasn't the case.
You get an INFINITE (pun intended) amount of demerits. You men watch out for this tramp, Secret Spiesel, she has lost it.
Secret Spiesel, You are sending offline messages to people's partner in hopes of them breaking up and rescue you from you second life single status. What's sad about you sending off lines to "blast" people is your blasted. You say you have been watching people do their offline girl wrong for so long. Bitch you been stalking sl men's avi's taking a list of all the folks they talk to. You are a stalker you need to question the obvious insanity going on in that pea brain you call a head.
If you jump into a man's im who has a partner in his box and they don't remove them to put you in and you continue the pursuit, you weren't trying to get info to blast him. You were one of these desperate low quality homewreckers who don't know how to rub a mans ego the right way and take him.
How did a man typing to you equal a broken heart. You THINK that sending offlines to his partner was not the most adult WOMANLY thing to do. Come on tramp, Get it together.
Then the killer part is this and I quote "Hooraaayy for me!!!! Karma is a bitch remember that always you black asshole....Sincerly the person that hates you the most :)" for him to have hated you he would have to love you first and that damn sure wasn't the case.
You get an INFINITE (pun intended) amount of demerits. You men watch out for this tramp, Secret Spiesel, she has lost it.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So I was out innocently shopping with my girl Eyema Sass, so we are pondering the new items at our favorite stores when she suddenly gets a party tp. So off we go to listen to the hottest dj spin those hot mp3's right. I put on my good Epidermis Emporium skin and copykat real toe shoes (those are coming out soon) and tp over.
So the club has the dancers, the music is popping, hooooos being thrown out. I'm pushing my way through the crowd of chicks in bad diva shoes and bad textured outfits to find this...

How in the fuck you got the rez box still up in the middle of the club. What sort of temporary party facilities is this. Really I'm going to need Another Level Entertainment to put the club on another level by actually removing the damn rez box off the floor before throwing an event.
You get 5 demerits for this oversight and then I'm being kind. (I expect to be banned over this)
So the club has the dancers, the music is popping, hooooos being thrown out. I'm pushing my way through the crowd of chicks in bad diva shoes and bad textured outfits to find this...

How in the fuck you got the rez box still up in the middle of the club. What sort of temporary party facilities is this. Really I'm going to need Another Level Entertainment to put the club on another level by actually removing the damn rez box off the floor before throwing an event.
You get 5 demerits for this oversight and then I'm being kind. (I expect to be banned over this)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
I dont like you... and you know this
Dear ____________ (insert whichever tramp your with this week here)
I see your ________ (dating,fucking,sucking,slutting, choose which one that applies) one of my _________ (brothers,uncles,nephews,cousins,friends,etc choose whichever one that applies). Well this is to let you know that I dont really like you. See what it is is that your the flavor for this _______ (week, hour, min, second). And I know this wont last. So I wont be nice to you because I dont have to be. I wont add you to my friends list just to remove you when this is over. Lets be honest you dont have the wit, personality or the charm to keep him captivated. In other words Bitch I dont like you...
Yours Truely, MK
I see your ________ (dating,fucking,sucking,slutting, choose which one that applies) one of my _________ (brothers,uncles,nephews,cousins,friends,etc choose whichever one that applies). Well this is to let you know that I dont really like you. See what it is is that your the flavor for this _______ (week, hour, min, second). And I know this wont last. So I wont be nice to you because I dont have to be. I wont add you to my friends list just to remove you when this is over. Lets be honest you dont have the wit, personality or the charm to keep him captivated. In other words Bitch I dont like you...
Yours Truely, MK
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
When Cartoon Characters Go Wrong
So as you all know due to the restraints online I had to edit my posts so it wont be anymore copying and pasting but I will still be reporting all the second life news.
So a few days ago my good uncle Infinite Goodnight had a conference thanking everyone for voting for him in a contest. We as usual proceeded to joke and laugh with him. When suddenly out of the blue another chatter (Charltina Christensen) sent him an urban soliloquy of how hes a great man and yadii woopty woo. Basically the broad was rotating her tongue all over my dudes testicle area, giving him that super head cyber head fuck. So I comment on it. Well it would seem like this young slut wasn't happy about that. Well days go by and she sends me an IM. Mind you she's quoting TOS violations on Second Life while performing one herself, ie cyberstalking. She basically threatens me to remove my blog and then threatens to get a lawyer involved. (REALLY)
Ms Christensen then lets me know she is a holier than though Minister and her parents read my blog. Do your parents know your out there like that? I guess they know now. Does your parents know that your on the Internet threatening cartoon characters while your in my ims box calling me mentally challenged. Wouldn't the fact that your worried about what I think about your avatar make you question yourself.
Ms Christensen, I question the state of your chat time when as a minister you would be so worldly in your views to even step out like a gutter street rat to make threats, continue to im me to involved lawyers to sue a cartoon character. It would behoove you to remember that this is a game and the fact that you are so twisted in it that you take it that serious makes you like like a complete and utter joke. If any members of your congregation are reading this question yourself as to why your minister would involve themselves in such worldly matters.
oh and you have ugly shoes. Thanks!!
So a few days ago my good uncle Infinite Goodnight had a conference thanking everyone for voting for him in a contest. We as usual proceeded to joke and laugh with him. When suddenly out of the blue another chatter (Charltina Christensen) sent him an urban soliloquy of how hes a great man and yadii woopty woo. Basically the broad was rotating her tongue all over my dudes testicle area, giving him that super head cyber head fuck. So I comment on it. Well it would seem like this young slut wasn't happy about that. Well days go by and she sends me an IM. Mind you she's quoting TOS violations on Second Life while performing one herself, ie cyberstalking. She basically threatens me to remove my blog and then threatens to get a lawyer involved. (REALLY)
Ms Christensen then lets me know she is a holier than though Minister and her parents read my blog. Do your parents know your out there like that? I guess they know now. Does your parents know that your on the Internet threatening cartoon characters while your in my ims box calling me mentally challenged. Wouldn't the fact that your worried about what I think about your avatar make you question yourself.
Ms Christensen, I question the state of your chat time when as a minister you would be so worldly in your views to even step out like a gutter street rat to make threats, continue to im me to involved lawyers to sue a cartoon character. It would behoove you to remember that this is a game and the fact that you are so twisted in it that you take it that serious makes you like like a complete and utter joke. If any members of your congregation are reading this question yourself as to why your minister would involve themselves in such worldly matters.
oh and you have ugly shoes. Thanks!!
I am going to take down the posts I made up about serveral chatters on SL...
Here's why... Im going to move my blog to a paid site and I'm going to post out every piece of information I can find out about
Here's why... Im going to move my blog to a paid site and I'm going to post out every piece of information I can find out about
Unfit Baby Mamas
I love to chat, I love it so much I have often times neglected to do real life shit. Such as you know pay a bill on time (which is a damn shame since I'm online anyways why I can't log on to Bank Of America website and pay it). But hey that's me I'm a complete loser.
What I can't see is being so involved in chatting that you would be an unfit real life mom and let your dirty ass dusty kids be in the background screaming and begging for attention. Now this isnt to disrespect the kids, this is to speak about the fact that you have little shanikia in the background screaming because they done fell off the couch and your so caught up in your chat time you didn't hop your ass out your pleather walmart computer chair to make sure he doesn't have rug burns.
You sort of people make me sick, how dare you chat so hard that you let your real life children call you by your internet name when mommy/daddy is chatting. If your kids have ever wandered in the room while you were chatting and you have them call you by your chat name or they do it automatically you are chatting way too much to be considered a productive parent.
If I ever get a hold of the child protective services in your area I am going to call them and have them not take away your kids but confiscated your damn computer and force you to make little shanikia a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich its lunch time hoe.
What I can't see is being so involved in chatting that you would be an unfit real life mom and let your dirty ass dusty kids be in the background screaming and begging for attention. Now this isnt to disrespect the kids, this is to speak about the fact that you have little shanikia in the background screaming because they done fell off the couch and your so caught up in your chat time you didn't hop your ass out your pleather walmart computer chair to make sure he doesn't have rug burns.
You sort of people make me sick, how dare you chat so hard that you let your real life children call you by your internet name when mommy/daddy is chatting. If your kids have ever wandered in the room while you were chatting and you have them call you by your chat name or they do it automatically you are chatting way too much to be considered a productive parent.
If I ever get a hold of the child protective services in your area I am going to call them and have them not take away your kids but confiscated your damn computer and force you to make little shanikia a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich its lunch time hoe.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I'm going to start off by saying this is only a chat program. This is a place where we chat and entertain ourselves. Part of my entertainment is the truth. The truth of the matter with all the drama the last few days is that this bullshit is so serious to some of us we have to justify and validate ourselves.
So to start off with let me entertain the recent drama between Renji/Spooly/Mental/Mohag/ ... for real we are all liars at one point or another we (all 4 of us) have done something shady in our Internet past. So to sit here and be upset that we have secrets is ridiculous. Even being that we are all liars we have managed to co exists on the net. Until second life. I sit here and I laugh about rehearsals of drama, not that I haven't done it. Its funny I laugh at when folks get exposed and no one attacks them, that people are upset. I laugh at myself for losing my voice *again* over this Internet bullshit (even though I sound like the man right now chea), I laugh at mohag for using her pea brain to question people about their Internet dad and getting the wrong person. I laugh at this ridiculousness to try to bring down someones Internet reputation so you can feel like someone important.
Here are the facts on me ... I'm 30 never been kissed I only been raped (right mohag) I had the gastric bypass surgery and didn't get the extra skin removed (right mohag), I'm protecting Renji under my umbrella of good will (right mohag) I got the nigga you want though (right mohag). So these facts being true. I'm a big dumb lesbian who lets Renji control me ... even if we were to state facts he controlled you spooly for 5 months. So your putting your feelings back on me. If anyone in drama knows me, I just observe my nigga. I let it all sink in. The simple fact is I wont blast Renji/Imma for you. I wont do it because you held his lie for months. I wont believe you that you have no part in how this foul shit that is going down. Months after the fact I wont take part in your sitting around upset when you lied to Mental, Niecy, Leaveme, Jdon, Michella, all of us to our cartoon faces (this is fucking hilarious right here). If you want me to be upset I'm not in fact it lets me know that your friendship with Renji was so important that you protected him so now that your no longer friends your taking back your protection like the wicked witch of the east. I'M DONE WITH IT.
Mohag so if you read the posts above you already know what it is. Mohag like you said you don't tell people your real life information you just get on camera drunk and show your ass and tiddies. Your a whore of the worst kind. Then like all whores when no one finds you fascinating because your no longer the pretty stripper on second life since everyone is a pretty stripper. You have to lash out. You are clearly upset because a nigga on the Internet was not taken in by the rotten dirty crotch you pass out pics of on the Internet all day. At the end of every day everyone has seen a cute chick your not one of a kind nor are you special. Your just a bitch who gets drunk to forget you have to ride poles, whether dick or a stripper pole, to make your way in life. You wont ever have a man of substance because much like Drei Despres in 1 month when school starts back. Hes going to leave too. The need to have education after speaking to your dumb ass is funny. For 5000l's a month Drei will have you on his arm like decoration then after a month will discard you and we will all laugh because then your going to have to find new dick to make your life better. If y'all remember the posts in my conference Mohag admitted her pics were old from her GOOD years. Things change.
I cant have my blog without speaking on it once and for all, Mohag you actually tried to give me business advice about my spree groups. How does that look for someone with 2 degrees and a masters to let a chicken head chirp in my ears. If I need advice on sucking dick, getting my asshole licked, or riding a pole you are the resident expert until then I'm done with you. Discarded
Stay out my box ... we ain't got no beef ... for real me having drama with you giving you credit so once I'm done here its over. Your not that important and its back to business as usual.
So to start off with let me entertain the recent drama between Renji/Spooly/Mental/Mohag/ ... for real we are all liars at one point or another we (all 4 of us) have done something shady in our Internet past. So to sit here and be upset that we have secrets is ridiculous. Even being that we are all liars we have managed to co exists on the net. Until second life. I sit here and I laugh about rehearsals of drama, not that I haven't done it. Its funny I laugh at when folks get exposed and no one attacks them, that people are upset. I laugh at myself for losing my voice *again* over this Internet bullshit (even though I sound like the man right now chea), I laugh at mohag for using her pea brain to question people about their Internet dad and getting the wrong person. I laugh at this ridiculousness to try to bring down someones Internet reputation so you can feel like someone important.
Here are the facts on me ... I'm 30 never been kissed I only been raped (right mohag) I had the gastric bypass surgery and didn't get the extra skin removed (right mohag), I'm protecting Renji under my umbrella of good will (right mohag) I got the nigga you want though (right mohag). So these facts being true. I'm a big dumb lesbian who lets Renji control me ... even if we were to state facts he controlled you spooly for 5 months. So your putting your feelings back on me. If anyone in drama knows me, I just observe my nigga. I let it all sink in. The simple fact is I wont blast Renji/Imma for you. I wont do it because you held his lie for months. I wont believe you that you have no part in how this foul shit that is going down. Months after the fact I wont take part in your sitting around upset when you lied to Mental, Niecy, Leaveme, Jdon, Michella, all of us to our cartoon faces (this is fucking hilarious right here). If you want me to be upset I'm not in fact it lets me know that your friendship with Renji was so important that you protected him so now that your no longer friends your taking back your protection like the wicked witch of the east. I'M DONE WITH IT.
Mohag so if you read the posts above you already know what it is. Mohag like you said you don't tell people your real life information you just get on camera drunk and show your ass and tiddies. Your a whore of the worst kind. Then like all whores when no one finds you fascinating because your no longer the pretty stripper on second life since everyone is a pretty stripper. You have to lash out. You are clearly upset because a nigga on the Internet was not taken in by the rotten dirty crotch you pass out pics of on the Internet all day. At the end of every day everyone has seen a cute chick your not one of a kind nor are you special. Your just a bitch who gets drunk to forget you have to ride poles, whether dick or a stripper pole, to make your way in life. You wont ever have a man of substance because much like Drei Despres in 1 month when school starts back. Hes going to leave too. The need to have education after speaking to your dumb ass is funny. For 5000l's a month Drei will have you on his arm like decoration then after a month will discard you and we will all laugh because then your going to have to find new dick to make your life better. If y'all remember the posts in my conference Mohag admitted her pics were old from her GOOD years. Things change.
I cant have my blog without speaking on it once and for all, Mohag you actually tried to give me business advice about my spree groups. How does that look for someone with 2 degrees and a masters to let a chicken head chirp in my ears. If I need advice on sucking dick, getting my asshole licked, or riding a pole you are the resident expert until then I'm done with you. Discarded
Stay out my box ... we ain't got no beef ... for real me having drama with you giving you credit so once I'm done here its over. Your not that important and its back to business as usual.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I gotta love SL
Pimping on the net..
True to my word I said if I did some dumb shit I'd blog about here we go...
1) I don't give a fuck how you feel about me....I have not been blocking you from hollaring at Unyque Thorne. If you are going to let a air head jump in your box and get you pumped up and talk shit behind my back. It will go down...(soon as my voice is back)
2) If someone puts you on a blast wall and it wasn't MK. Nigga keep MK out ya mouth. How I feel about people I say. I don't have the need to talk about you behind your back. I'm too much of a BITCH not to.
3) If you were ass naked playing in your pussy on the net in a open chat room and I record you then use your image to get money off simpletons online when I was like 18 and you still mad about it when I'm 30. I'm a pimp. I used your pussy to get paid and you ain't see no profit. That makes you USED.
4) Lets pretend for a fact I was a gastric bypass surgery patient who was raped and is now a big lesbian, I live at my momma house, I am broke. But you have to play in your pussy to get Internet validation and become known. You want to be Internet popular, I still win. Because I used a pretty bitch in a smart way and got paid. I win I win.
5) I love niggas bringing me drama because they want to fight with someone else. So you set me up for a ban so you can get me out the way, I call you and that move a pussy. I'm still here bitches.
6) 2 bachelor degrees, 1 masters, 2 Business owned and operated by me, 1 car on 22's, no kids, 798 credit score, 3 rental properties..ME....
7) no degree, ex stripper, on the net for validation, reporting niggas so your pussy pics don't come out, tries real hard to sound intelligent...YOU...
8) End game playa
True to my word I said if I did some dumb shit I'd blog about here we go...
1) I don't give a fuck how you feel about me....I have not been blocking you from hollaring at Unyque Thorne. If you are going to let a air head jump in your box and get you pumped up and talk shit behind my back. It will go down...(soon as my voice is back)
2) If someone puts you on a blast wall and it wasn't MK. Nigga keep MK out ya mouth. How I feel about people I say. I don't have the need to talk about you behind your back. I'm too much of a BITCH not to.
3) If you were ass naked playing in your pussy on the net in a open chat room and I record you then use your image to get money off simpletons online when I was like 18 and you still mad about it when I'm 30. I'm a pimp. I used your pussy to get paid and you ain't see no profit. That makes you USED.
4) Lets pretend for a fact I was a gastric bypass surgery patient who was raped and is now a big lesbian, I live at my momma house, I am broke. But you have to play in your pussy to get Internet validation and become known. You want to be Internet popular, I still win. Because I used a pretty bitch in a smart way and got paid. I win I win.
5) I love niggas bringing me drama because they want to fight with someone else. So you set me up for a ban so you can get me out the way, I call you and that move a pussy. I'm still here bitches.
6) 2 bachelor degrees, 1 masters, 2 Business owned and operated by me, 1 car on 22's, no kids, 798 credit score, 3 rental properties..ME....
7) no degree, ex stripper, on the net for validation, reporting niggas so your pussy pics don't come out, tries real hard to sound intelligent...YOU...
8) End game playa
I got to laugh at this. Everyone knows I'm on 2 verbal abuse bans from second life. If I get into more fights that I start I can get banned. So folks want to punk me into a dispute like I'm a pussy to report me to linden labs.
Thats how we rolling Mohagany? ... Its funny you sending the saying I called the Lindens when I'm trying to avoid them. And I'm the one that catch the verbal assault ban and you start the drama. Whats funny is I wasn't even fighting a dumb hoe.Here is the part you can't ask me to take a tp then report me for a fight you started then say I picked on you. WE DONT BELIEVE YOU YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE.
So I'm no longer banned...I'm back... suck my dick!!!!
We see how its rolling around these part
Thats how we rolling Mohagany? ... Its funny you sending the saying I called the Lindens when I'm trying to avoid them. And I'm the one that catch the verbal assault ban and you start the drama. Whats funny is I wasn't even fighting a dumb hoe.Here is the part you can't ask me to take a tp then report me for a fight you started then say I picked on you. WE DONT BELIEVE YOU YOU NEED MORE PEOPLE.
So I'm no longer banned...I'm back... suck my dick!!!!
We see how its rolling around these part
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