Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Stalker Alert

So as always I question a females sanity on the Internet. Look I'm all for the scorn woman bit but you have to actually be scorned. If a man has a partner in his partner box and you hit on him anyways that makes you a simple broad.

Secret Spiesel, You are sending offline messages to people's partner in hopes of them breaking up and rescue you from you second life single status. What's sad about you sending off lines to "blast" people is your blasted. You say you have been watching people do their offline girl wrong for so long. Bitch you been stalking sl men's avi's taking a list of all the folks they talk to. You are a stalker you need to question the obvious insanity going on in that pea brain you call a head.

If you jump into a man's im who has a partner in his box and they don't remove them to put you in and you continue the pursuit, you weren't trying to get info to blast him. You were one of these desperate low quality homewreckers who don't know how to rub a mans ego the right way and take him.

How did a man typing to you equal a broken heart. You THINK that sending offlines to his partner was not the most adult WOMANLY thing to do. Come on tramp, Get it together.

Then the killer part is this and I quote "Hooraaayy for me!!!! Karma is a bitch remember that always you black asshole....Sincerly the person that hates you the most :)" for him to have hated you he would have to love you first and that damn sure wasn't the case.

You get an INFINITE (pun intended) amount of demerits. You men watch out for this tramp, Secret Spiesel, she has lost it.

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