Wednesday, August 26, 2009


As per your cease and desist notice that you recently sent me. I am making a formal apology to Mr Beres.

Mr Beres as to your request that I retract my statements and remove such disparaging remarks off my blog. I will grant your request.

I retract my remarks about you being a pedophile, its disgusting that people from other chatlines 20-30 would say that you were in a chat room with a 14 year old child. The fact that I let such a rumor slip past my fingers is a shame on me. Who knows what you have done on yahoo and my dapz. It does not have bearings on second life.

I retract my comments about you not handling yourself as a business person as well. Who am I to comment on the fact that you copied and pasted an entire conversation between you and Dancer Dallagio in regards to your shoe product, into a note card and sent it out for all to see. Which is clearly a TOS violation noted on the second life web page. By which I happen to have the note card with you being the author. I have passed it along to second life. I just want to be honest you know.

I apologize that as a customer, I do not have the right to my opinions on your shoe brand. I would like to say any remarks made upon the quality of the items you present, such as the texture work or toes that do not quite fit in the shoes are my opinion which clearly I vocalize. It is in my humblest regards that I say I will never mention Divas and Fine Shoes together in the same sentence ever again. It is my humble opinion that they do not go together. I apologize for any undue hardship you suffered because of my fabulous fashion blog that I rate items on the Internet for all to enjoy and I did not rate your items amongst those.

I will in the future never speak of, or mention your shoes again. I will continue to promote such quality designers such as Stiletto Moody, JJ's, CopyKat, NCore, Maitreya, and Kalnins. It is beyond me that with such quality designer you feel you are above being compared to them for your quality work when in fact most of these shoes are industry standards in looks, quality etc.

I do apologize for using your shoes to compare against such fine quality items.

From this day forward I will ignore your shoe brand and I will hope that not mentioning it at all will give you the sort of business you deserve.

In all I will also pass around my web page address to every shoe designer and fashion designer so they can see how reasonable I was. How much I value SL fashion not to ever compare your workmanship amongst designer who have careful crafted their product with the highest level of care. I will also issue this same apology over the radio for all to hear. I have also passed along the SL Exchange page to every show designer in second life, as a show of goodwill. Enjoy!!!


  1. It is a sad day in SL that a blog apology and a retraction are deemed necessary. Our opinions are just that, an opinion; opinions are like assholes everyone has one. As far as repeating secondhand information it happens everyday. I will never understand people getting angry about things they were party to or in large took part in creating. There is a strong need for SL mediators in lieu of strong arm tactics utilized by some. It would be really conducive for ALL concerned to sit and iron out our differences with an objective (keyword objective) third party. It's wonderful when people express things that are favorable, but the moment anyone has a disparaging opinion we want to cry foul. It is what it is

  2. Hahahah this apology and retraction is too HILARIOUS! Anyone worth their brain power can see that Mental is too funny!! Ha - yes the apology is there and the retraction is there as well, but you can catch the reiterations of her opinions all up n through. Good One Mental!

  3. Monday is a joke.
    Look here and see the retraction he was able to get!
    In a recent gust of meaningless wind, he sent a letter of warning, and intent to prosecute to a resident. In his letter, he inadvertantly divulged his clients RL identity, phone # and address, by sloppy references to the clients business and Linden Labs had to slap him on the wrist for “Disclosure”!
    His letter of threat that got him a "disclosure" report, was shared with literally hundreds of residents who all got a good laugh at Monday Beam Esq.'s ineffectiveness.
