Monday, August 31, 2009

Stealing out of Peoples Pocket

My fashion blog deals always with high fashion every now and then I feel the need to speak about stealing someones work.

I am appalled that "modeling" agencies are now asking people for the details on their shape (numbers).They then say that its within their rights to ask for someone to give up their shape numbers. I'm appalled at this new way to steal someones body shape.

So for all shape designers beware that alot of people are inadvertently being used to copy your shape. The models buy your shape then are forced to give up the numbers to agencies, the agency then use those numbers to make a full perm shape to pass out or sell to new models.

When I spoke to the modeling agency owner of MWC, she assures me that shes within her rights to do this. What I find amazing is one person can buy a shape then they can duplicate the work over and over again and pass it on to their new models therefore by passing the original shape maker and taking money out their pockets.

I guess that's the "new way" to copybot now. I want everyone selling shapes to MWC models to beware you will see your shape on alot of women, and no money in your pocket.

I spoke to Madison Blanc an owner of TOP MODEL INC, a well established modeling agency if she would ever ask models for their custom shape numbers. She said no why would she need their numbers. I find it appalling that Jennifer Warden of MWC see's nothing wrong in her pracices.



  1. For the fellas reading this that don't understand what's going on it's as simple as this: Say you & ya boy buy the same exact car, one day you're both at a red light and you see the green and launch and ya boy smokes you. You pull up to him and ask him what he did to his engine and he doesn't tell you. So you wait for him to go asleep and then pop open the hood and write down what he's got so you can go and get the same exact shit (or better). That's CHEATING!!!!!! If dude ain't wanna tell you, research and do your own mods and hopefully you'll beat him next race.

    Same with chicks on SL and their shapes & skins. No chick on SL should ever look like any other chick. Even if they all go to Redgrave, Belleza, Epidermus Emporium, etc. The shape used with any of those skin designers mentioned above should be set up for the user to DISTINCTLY make said chick unique to an extent. For another broad to ask a chick where she got this or that, or to ask for #'s on her shape to enhance her own shit, only to then lie and say she's using the #'s for other new chicks coming in is fucked up.........

    Nuff Said

  2. I am a shape shop owner and i think its very upsetting that some one would do such a thing. Yes i have had my suspicious on this type of wrong doing. Especially when a customer comes to my store and buys EVERY shape i have, from the full figure shape,male,teen and model shapes(spending 10k).(VERY SUSPICIOUS) My shapes are mod for my customers to enhance their look that they are looking for. This is LOW KEY STEALING....I rather the modeling agency come to me on a business level and ask for a donation or some sort of discount. i have spend alot of time working on my shapes. its not about just the body its the face, how well it matches up with the ao, the clothes and skins etc.... i run tests on these shapes for my customer so they would look there best and be happy. Jenifer Warden is out of line and any one else who think this is not theft. Bottom Line u are a thieft.
    Crystal Sweetwater / LOTTABODY SHAPES
